2023-05-01 8:48 AM
Created project with newest Cube MX, added all of my pin initializations, closed project, tried to open it - it does not open, no errors no warnings, shows that cubemx loads the file and then renders UI, always goes to 100% progress on both, and then the progress disappears and cube mx goes to start page.
Anybody can tell what is wrong with the project or cubemx?
This is definitely new behavior, yesterday everything worked.
Also interresting thing, is that after an attempt to open the project, some Java process starts eating ~30 percent of CPU time right after that and does not go away at all, never stops unless I close the program, even though the program does nothing, stays on the first page where it shows ads and has buttons to open project or create new project. CUBE IDE does the same thing with similar project.
2023-05-02 2:33 AM
I narrowed it down to a point where I see that FDCAN configuration makes the IOC file broken. Here is a CubeIDE project that has just the FDCAN configuration and nothing else, and, well, the project is broken. Adding test project to attachment
2023-05-02 2:45 AM
Now I did following:
In the test.zip archive, the test.ioc file line 10 -14 are the problem:
What I want:
If I change in notepad those lines to:
Then the ioc file is opened without problems.
The CubeIDE is screwed up, they broke it. Last year I started to write my code that way, I would put my bitrate map array into the Cube IDE so that generated code matches my implementation, and it worked always. Now it does not work because they screwed up the software.
Also, so that you know, the fields where I put text (bitrate map and number of filters), are changed to "No check" if you know what I mean...
Another stupid thing, I create project for STM32G491CEU6 but the IOC file says STM32G491CEU3, does that matter? I don't think so, it just looks sloppy.
2023-05-02 2:45 AM
Anybody can help escalate this to ST software team?
2023-05-02 3:37 AM
They screwed up the CubeIDE. This definitely worked last year, and now CubeIDE is broken.
The problem is that in FDCAN parameters I have values which are bitrate map array elements. The fields are set to "No check". I started to organize my code this way last year, it always worked until this week I had to do the same thing on another project, with fresh CubeIDE.
In the test.zip archive there is a CubeIDE project where IOC file cant be opened. Change lines 10-14 of the IOC file from:
And then the project will open.
Can anybody help me escalate this problem to CubeIDE software team? I really hope they can take care of this bug.
Another stupid thing: I created a project for STM32G491CEU6 but the IOC file has STM32G491CEU3
as a target. Not a big problem, it just looks sloppy.
Also I am making this comment for the second time, seems like something deleted my last comment? is that possible? I guess the forum is also broken, after posting a comment for the 5th time finally I can see it posted.