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Can't open CubeMX project that was few minutes ago created

Associate III

Created project with newest Cube MX, added all of my pin initializations, closed project, tried to open it - it does not open, no errors no warnings, shows that cubemx loads the file and then renders UI, always goes to 100% progress on both, and then the progress disappears and cube mx goes to start page.

Anybody can tell what is wrong with the project or cubemx?

This is definitely new behavior, yesterday everything worked.

Also interresting thing, is that after an attempt to open the project, some Java process starts eating ~30 percent of CPU time right after that and does not go away at all, never stops unless I close the program, even though the program does nothing, stays on the first page where it shows ads and has buttons to open project or create new project. CUBE IDE does the same thing with similar project.

Senior III

Restart cube

Associate III

Did that, many times

Chief II

just a test:

  • make new workspace
  • create new STM32project
  • define some ...pins..clocktree
  • save
  • now open ... and ?
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Associate III

Tobe , AScha.3  what version of cube mx are you using?

_legacyfs_online_stmicro_images_0693W00000bj8r1QAA.pngbut - i had a similar problem: from one day to next - no more open any project.

solution was to destroy the ide-window info , saved at every shutdown.

thats why you should test a new clean workspace !

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What is that ide-window info? is that a file in .metadata folder in workspace folder?

rename -> .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.workbench/workbench.xmi

  • then start ide
  • just if same/similar problem , try - and restore name, if not better.
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Pavel A.
Evangelist III

This problem reproes with CubeMX, not CubeIDE - though the IDE may have it too.

Any workspace, metadata etc. aren't relevant.

How to repro: extract the .ioc file (only this file) from the zip to empty directory. Then open with CubeMX.

The problem does reproduce in both CubeMX and CubeIDE. The same exact behavior.

The problem appeared after updating CubeIDE from 1.10.1 to 1.12.0. Then I tried the same with CubeMX and it did the same exact thing.