2022-10-12 2:17 AM
MCU getting into PrvTaskExitError while trying to acquire the semaphore using vTask Producer(after MCU run for Several Hours). Please find the screen shorts of the Fault Exception viewer and Callstack after the MCU crash.
MCU: stm32f407VGT6
Hardware Type: Proprietary Hardware
IDE: IAR Embedded Workbench IDE 9.20.1
RTOS: CMSIS V2(Code generated from Stm32CubeMX)
Thank you
PS: any help on this is greatly appreciated.
2022-10-14 7:36 AM
First of all let me thank you for posting.
Could you please provide the *.ioc file and the CubeMx so I be able to investigate the issue.
Kind regards,
2022-10-16 9:28 PM