2024-05-30 06:51 AM
I have setup a project with a Nucleo-STM32F429ZI.
I can successfully start the debugging once.
But when I press stop (red square in overlay menu) and then "Start Debugging (F5)" (green driangle in the "run and debug" sidebar) again, it hangs at
-> 13+download,{section=".isr_vector",section-size="428",total-size="1659414"}
-> 13+download,{section=".isr_vector",section-sent="428",section-size="428",total-sent="428",total-size="1659414"}
-> 13+download,{section=".text",section-size="68060",total-size="1659414"}
-> 13+download,{section=".rodata",section-size="12656",total-size="1659414"}
-> 13+download,{section=".ARM",section-size="8",total-size="1659414"}
-> 13+download,{section=".init_array",section-size="4",total-size="1659414"}
-> 13+download,{section=".fini_array",section-size="4",total-size="1659414"}
-> 13+download,{section=".data",section-size="140",total-size="1659414"}
-> 13^error,msg="Error finishing flash operation"
14-interpreter-exec console "monitor reset"
Failed to launch GDB: Error finishing flash operation (from target-download)
The only way to get it working again is by dis- and reconnecting the USB cable and restaring VS Code again.
2024-06-06 01:22 AM
could share your project or your config it would be helpful to debug the issue
2024-06-06 01:32 AM
Hi Nawres
You can use any default CubeMX project for this. No special peripherals or so.
But from my side, I am not able to invest more time into it. It would have been needed as a PoC for a student project. My goal was to have I2C and a REST API using LwIP but for simplicitly without FreeRTOS. This seems how ever to be a huge pain as ST does only provide working CubeMX examples for the H7 MCU but none of the F-MCUs. There are several open forum discussions about it without a stable solution...
So in the end I had to switch to Arduino.