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FreeRTOSConfig.h Core-Specific Issue in Core-Agnostic Library for STM32H755Description:I am developing a core-agnostic library for an STM32H755-based project, where the library will be linked into both the CM4 and CM7 projects. The library makes use ...
Description:I am developing a library for an STM32H755-based project, where the library is responsible for controlling LEDs via `HAL_GPIO_WritePin()`. The library needs to be core-agnostic and should work when linked into both the CM4 and CM7 project...
I noticed there are no STM32H747xx devices available for project creation from VS Code (it lists only through STM32H743xx). Is there any timeline on getting that device support in VS Code? 
STM32H747XICubeIDECubeMXCubeProgrammerWindows 11I am building a static library that will be used by both CM7 and CM4 cores. I have enabled FreeRTOS for each core. How do I link FreeRTOS into my static library?
Hello STM Community,I am working on an STM32 project that utilizes both the CM7 and CM4 cores. I have structured my project to include a static library named Utilities, where I'm facing some challenges with accessing the HAL functionality.Project Str...