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Knowledge Base Articles

How to use DMAMUX on the STM32 microcontrollers

How do I use DMAMUX on the STM32 microcontrollers? 1- Introduction DMAMUX is included in the latest STM32 microcontrollers (STM32H7/G0/G4/L4+/L5/WB/MP1 Series) and is an enhancement over the previous DMA controller, providing more flexibility and ful...

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How to configure swap bank on STM32H7 P2

How to configure swap bank on STM32H7? (Part 2) Following Part 1 Step 3: Building Binary file for Bank1 1. Add FLASH_BANK1 as preprocessor: Project Options> C/C++ Compiler > Preprocessor 2. Check that vector table settings are as following (Project O...

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FBL by ST Employee
  • 3 kudos

How to implement a non-blocking scanf function

How to implement a nonblocking scanf function?1. Introduction This article shows how to implement and redirect the scanf function to the UART, in a nonblocking way. Therefore, was chosen that this function is working through tasks on FreeRTOS™ and s...

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STM32 UART DMA RX/TXThis is an application note and contains a list of examples about 2 distinct topics:   Receiving data with UART and DMA when application does not know in advance size of bytes to be receivedTransmitting data with UART and DMA to ...

How can I add TraceX support in STM32CubeIDE?

How can I add TraceX support in STM32CubeIDE?To add TraceX support to a STM32CubeIDE project and properly use it you’ll need to follow a few steps, described in detail in this article. Goal: Add TraceX support to STM32CubeIDE using X-CUBE-AZRTOS-H7Al...

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How to Control GPIO Pins with AWS Shadow

The following document will provide you with a brief overview of the basics of activating GPIO pins on the STM32U5 dev board to interact with a relay. This document will focus on the steps to configure the STM32U5 boards software to enable GPIO pins ...

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How to implement USB Communication Device Class (CDC)

How to implement USB Communication Device Class (CDC)1. Communication of USB CDC in device mode For handling communication of USB CDC in device mode using legacy STM32 USB libraries are important 3 functions located in file usbd_cdc_if.c: CDC_Receiv...

STM32WB stack update overwrite M4 application

Why does STM32CubeProgrammer erase/overwrite data (Cortex-M4 application) at flash address (0x08000000) during STM32WB Stack update over SWD?1. FUS can be managed only from internal bootloader or internal memory If SWD is used (means no-bootloader), ...


How does the event flag work on STM32? Part 2

How does the event flag work on STM32? Part2This is the part 2 of the article to explain How the Event Flag work on STM32 with a working example. Welcome back!1. MATERIALS:To develop this article’s demo, the following materials were necessary:- STM32...

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How does the event flag work on STM32? Part 3

How does the event flag work on STM32? Part 3This is the part 3 of the article to explain How the Event Flag work on STM32 with a working example. Welcome back! After generation, locate and open the app_threadx.c file. There is inside Core → Src fold...

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