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Knowledge Base Articles

How to do an OTA update with STM32U5 and AWS ?

This article demonstrates how to integrate modular AWS FreeRTOS™ software with hardware enforced security to help secure updatable cloud connected applications. The project is preconfigured to run on the STM32U585 IoT discovery kit and connect to AWS...

How to connect my STM32 board to the X-NUCLEO-LPM01A

How can I connect my STM32 board with the X-NUCLEO-LPM01A (STM32 Power Shield)? There are several different ways to connect your STM32 board to the STM32 power shield, some more complex than others. In this article, we will discuss the simplest way t...

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CRC computation in STM32 MCUs and post-build creation

1. Introduction Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is an error detection method for digital datas based on binary division.CRC algorithm generates a fixed checksum code length.  2. How is CRC value calculated, how to determine CRC algorithm in embedded ap...

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STM32H7 Dual-Core: How to communicate between CM4 & CM7

This FAQ responds to the inquiry related to the dual core communication on STM32H7, CM4 & CM7.  1. Why to use an STM32H7 dual-core device? STM32H745/755 and STM32H747/757 are double cored products that support Arm Cortex-M7 core and Arm Cortex-M 4 co...

FAQ: STM32 HAL UART driver - API and Callbacks

How to use STM32 HAL UART driver API and Callbacks?What are the callbacks involved in UART TX / RX?How are these callbacks called?Why is the callback not called? 1. STM32 HAL UART supports 3 modes for transmitter (TX) / receiver (RX) Polling mode (no...

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Source code of external loader

Where can I find source code of external loader (.stldr) for STM32 devices?GitHub Repository ST GitHub repository contains dedicated folder for external loaders. There are many projects for ST evaluation boards and memory sales types.Repository link ...

How to configure VREFBUF on my STM32

How can I configure the internal voltage reference on my STM32 microcontroller using STM32CubeMX? The voltage reference buffer embedded in most STM32 devices serve two main purposes: 1. used as a voltage reference for ADCs, and DACs 2. used as a volt...

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How can I upgrade my X-NUCLEO-LPM01A’s firmware?

Where can I find the latest X-NUCLEO-LPM01A’s firmware and upgrade my current STM32 Power Shield’s firmware version? Upon powering up the power shield, the current firmware version will be displayed on the LCD.It is recommended to keep your power shi...

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How to conduct a STM32 self-schematic review PT. 1

What are the recommended steps to take when reviewing my custom STM32 schematic design? In this two-part article we will cover several main areas of focus when conducting a self-review of a custom STM32 schematic and share some hardware debugging tip...

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How do ThreadX Message Queues work on STM32 part 3

How do ThreadX Message Queues work on STM32?Welcome back to the third part of the "How do ThreadX Message Queues work on STM32" article.  1. How to add Sender2 thread Now that the first demo is completed, let’s add our Sender2 thread and evaluate th...

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How do ThreadX Message Queues work on STM32 part 2

How do ThreadX Message Queues work on STM32?This is the part 2 of the article to explain how the ThreadX Message Queue work on STM32 with working examples. Welcome back! 1. STM32CubeIDE – step by step demo: Launch STM32CubeIDE (version used 1.7.0), ...

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