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HardFault when initializing TouchGFX with proprietary RTOS

Associate III


I am trying to port a Project using TouchGFX (Designer 4.17) and FreeRTOS to our own RTOS using IAR 8.40 Toolchain and th STM32F769I-Disco Board (Same controller will be used in the final product).


When calling MX_TouchGFX_Init() the System runs into an a HardFault


The HardFault occurs in the Library code (touchgfx::Screen::draw accroding to disassemly PC: 0x3ade9e, calles from touchgfx::Application)



 0x3a'de7e: 0xb53e        PUSH     {R1-R5, LR}

   0x3a'de80: 0x2200        MOVS     R2, #0

   0x3a'de82: 0xf8df 0x4264 LDR.W    R4, [PC, #0x264]       ; _ZN8touchgfx3HAL13DISPLAY_WIDTHE


   0x3a'de86: 0x9200        STR      R2, [SP]

   0x3a'de88: 0xf8df 0x3258 LDR.W    R3, [PC, #0x258]       ; _ZN8touchgfx3HAL14DISPLAY_HEIGHTE


   0x3a'de8c: 0x5ea2        LDRSH    R2, [R4, R2]

   0x3a'de8e: 0xf9b3 0x5000 LDRSH.W  R5, [R3]

   0x3a'de92: 0xf8ad 0x2004 STRH.W   R2, [SP, #0x4]

   0x3a'de96: 0x4669        MOV      R1, SP

   0x3a'de98: 0xf8ad 0x5006 STRH.W   R5, [SP, #0x6]

   0x3a'de9c: 0x6802        LDR      R2, [R0]

   0x3a'de9e: 0x6893        LDR      R3, [R2, #0x8]

   0x3a'dea0: 0x4798        BLX      R3

   0x3a'dea2: 0xb003        ADD      SP, SP, #0xc

   0x3a'dea4: 0xbd30        POP      {R4, R5, PC}


As far as I see this i do not have much options to break the

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Accepted Solutions


CRC is necessary to work with TouchGFX Designer and other ST packs. You get a warning message in the X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX.4.18.0 settings within STM32CubeMX when it is not enabled.


View solution in original post

Chief II

Is your screen empty ? Try start with one screen one box empty project.

I do have a version with empty screen. Unfortunately the HardFault does occur also with the empty app

What version of TouchGFX are you using ? Could you share your FreeRTOS tasks just to check ? May be completely unrelated but i just want to see if you have named it properly and if the stack size is big enough.


Add something to screen

I have added a green screen. Still the same hardFault

I am using version 4.17 of the designer. Is this automatically the version of the lib? or where do I find it?

I do not use FreeRTOS. When I do, the application runs fine.

I have now doubled both stack an heap size (since TouchGFX und Control application on there own are happy with the initial 0x2000), no change

Associate III

Meanwhile. I have found the error. I have not initialized the CRC module but it is used within the library. Maybe it would be worth it to point out that this module is used in a future version of the lib? Thank you for your support


CRC is necessary to work with TouchGFX Designer and other ST packs. You get a warning message in the X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX.4.18.0 settings within STM32CubeMX when it is not enabled.


You get a warning when it's not enabled, but not a warning when "Do Not Generate Function Call" is checked. And I assume also no error if it is initialized after TouchGFX. In our code we had hardfaults and got no warnings because of this. Thank you MMenz.1  for giving your solution!

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