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STM32H7B3I-DK screen just staying white


I've been trying to test out the screen on the board I just got. I can get the examples to work fine, but even if I copy the values over to my project, nothing shows (the project is just a blank project generated by the IDE). Pretty new to display stuff so I wouldn't be surprised if I missed something simple. Below are my parameter and layer settings for LTDC, every other setting for the controller has been untouched.  Basically my goal now after trying to get it to work for a while is just to have the screen just change a different color at this point. Anybody have a clue what I'm doing wrong?


Associate III


If you have a 640x480 screen resolution, first select one layer and set Horizontal start an stop base on you resolution.

What is LTDC frequency which set by CubeMX?


So according to the manual, the display is 480x272. So would it be correct to assume that even though I selected my board in the project generation, CubeMX probably isn't setting the correct values? It says the clock frequency is at 96MHz for LTDC.

Below are the values I've taken from the example which I know works, and put it in my project with no results.0693W00000FBILnQAP.png

Change your LTDC frequency about 9 to 12 mhz,

94 Mhz is too high for this resolution.


Where did you found that example?