2021-09-14 12:23 AM
2021-09-14 3:09 AM
In the STM32F7 firmware package,
there is a directory where you can find precompiled libs (CMSIS 5.4) :
2021-09-14 4:15 AM
Hello Mike,
Thanks for the response.
I am looking for CMSIS 5.8.0 which includes DSP v1.9.0.
If CMSIS 5.8.0 version's library files are available, please let me know
2021-09-14 5:23 AM
Sorry that it doesn't fit your need.
The latest we are using is CMSIS 5.6.0/DSP 1.7.0 for STM32H7.
2021-09-23 2:08 AM
Hi Mike,
i want to use the QuaternionMathFunctions of the DSP v1.9.0 on an STM32F446RE.
I downloaded CMSIS 5.8.0 from github but it seems that the directory does not contain the precompiled libraries, nor the c files.
Is DSP v1.9.0 also not available for STM32F4? And is there a way that I could compile the library myself?
I would be very glad to receive an answer.:)
2022-11-29 7:40 AM
Did you able to figure out how to use quaternion math functions from DSP library. I downloaded latest CubeMx and the version of the DSP is 1.5.2 as shown below
It misses lot of functionalities like matrix vector operations.
Thanks in advance.
2022-11-29 6:17 PM
Stop playing with kids' cubes and become a developer!
2022-11-30 1:08 AM
Thanks for your pormpt reply.
Just to update you and everyone who come across this discussion, following is the updated link to the CMSIS-DSP