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STM32L0 code start and execution problems

Associate III

I'm developing a vibration and temperature sensor solution for industrial machinery.

Previously, my system was equipped with Atmega 328p chips, but it has now been upgraded to an STM32LO53C8T8 chip.

The circuit has a LoRa radio for sending signals to the gateway, a KX122-1037 accelerometer, a MCP9808 temperature sensor, a MAX17048 battery sensor and a MB85RC FRAM. I connected the TX pin to the arduino Mega to get a DEBUG display on the arduino IDE's serial monitor.

I assembled a PCB with the wiring diagram in the attached image, and it worked well for programming the microcontroller. However, I started to experience some problems when executing the code.

  • Firstly, my code is only executed by the chip when the system finishes uploading and resets it. I added an external 10K pull-up resistor to the chip's reset (which wasn't on the PCB). Now I can run the code whenever I pulse GND on the pin. However, it should run whenever the system is connected to power, which is not happening.
  • Secondly, my code is crashing in the accelerometer reading loop, basically I added a loop that reads the accelerometer 2048 times during one second, spacing the readings with a microsecond delay calculated in the setup method. The loop code runs well up to about 30 samples and then stops. I've tested the delay separately and apparently it works. And I've tested the loop with no other code in it, just the delay, and the same error happens.

Full Codes:

#include "stm32l0xx_hal.h"

#include "math.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "LORA.h"
#include "FRAM.h"
#include "KX122.h"
#include "MCP9808.h"
#include "MAX17048.h"
#include "BrasensFirmware.h"

#define SENSOR_KEY "1111A"
TIM_HandleTypeDef htim2;
#define DEBUG_PRINT(msg) HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, (uint8_t*)msg, strlen(msg), HAL_MAX_DELAY)
#define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))

Transmission_Data data;
Transmission_VibrationPackage vibrationPackage;

unsigned int sampling_period_us;
unsigned long data_sender_period;

int package_factor = 0;
int acc_sample_factor = 0;

FRAM_Metadata metadata;

uint32_t sizeInBytes = 0;

int main(void) {
	while (1) {

void SystemClock_Config(void) {
	RCC_OscInitTypeDef RCC_OscInitStruct = { 0 };
	RCC_ClkInitTypeDef RCC_ClkInitStruct = { 0 };
	RCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef PeriphClkInit = { 0 };

	/** Configure the main internal regulator output voltage

	/** Initializes the RCC Oscillators according to the specified parameters
	 * in the RCC_OscInitTypeDef structure.
	RCC_OscInitStruct.OscillatorType = RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_MSI;
	RCC_OscInitStruct.MSIState = RCC_MSI_ON;
	RCC_OscInitStruct.MSICalibrationValue = 0;
	RCC_OscInitStruct.MSIClockRange = RCC_MSIRANGE_5;
	RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLState = RCC_PLL_NONE;
	if (HAL_RCC_OscConfig(&RCC_OscInitStruct) != HAL_OK) {

	/** Initializes the CPU, AHB and APB buses clocks
	RCC_ClkInitStruct.AHBCLKDivider = RCC_SYSCLK_DIV1;
	RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB1CLKDivider = RCC_HCLK_DIV1;
	RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB2CLKDivider = RCC_HCLK_DIV1;

	if (HAL_RCC_ClockConfig(&RCC_ClkInitStruct, FLASH_LATENCY_0) != HAL_OK) {
	PeriphClkInit.PeriphClockSelection = RCC_PERIPHCLK_USART1
	PeriphClkInit.Usart1ClockSelection = RCC_USART1CLKSOURCE_PCLK2;
	PeriphClkInit.I2c1ClockSelection = RCC_I2C1CLKSOURCE_PCLK1;
	if (HAL_RCCEx_PeriphCLKConfig(&PeriphClkInit) != HAL_OK) {

void TIM2_Init(void)

    htim2.Instance = TIM2;
    htim2.Init.Prescaler = (uint32_t)(HAL_RCC_GetPCLK1Freq() / 1000000) - 1; // 1 MHz
    htim2.Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP;
    htim2.Init.Period = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Máximo período
    htim2.Init.ClockDivision = TIM_CLOCKDIVISION_DIV1;
    if (HAL_TIM_Base_Init(&htim2) != HAL_OK) {
    if (HAL_TIM_Base_Start(&htim2) != HAL_OK) {

uint32_t micros()
    return __HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim2);

void delayMicroseconds(uint32_t us) {
    uint32_t start = micros();
    uint32_t target = start + us;

    if (target < start) {
        // Overflow do contador
        while (micros() >= start) {
            // Espera até o overflow ocorrer

    while (micros() < target) {
        // Espera até atingir o tempo desejado

uint16_t address = 0;

unsigned long writeMicroseconds;
int current_sample = 0;

void writeVibrationInformation() {
	data.rms_accel[0] = 0.0;
	data.rms_accel[1] = 0.0;
	data.rms_accel[2] = 0.0;

	data.rms_vel[0] = 0.0;
	data.rms_vel[1] = 0.0;
	data.rms_vel[2] = 0.0;

	float velocity_x = 0.0;
	float velocity_y = 0.0;
	float velocity_z = 0.0;

	int d = 0;
	int count = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLES; i++) {
			Vibration vibration = KX122_ReadAccelData(&hi2c1);


			FRAM_WriteFloat(&hi2c1, &metadata,
					address + SAMPLES * 0 * sizeof(float), vibration.x);
			FRAM_WriteFloat(&hi2c1, &metadata,
					address + SAMPLES * 1 * sizeof(float), vibration.y);
			FRAM_WriteFloat(&hi2c1, &metadata,
					address + SAMPLES * 2 * sizeof(float), vibration.z);

			address += sizeof(float);

			count = 0;

			data.rms_accel[0] += (vibration.x * vibration.x);
			data.rms_accel[1] += (vibration.y * vibration.y);
			data.rms_accel[2] += (vibration.z * vibration.z);

			float deltaTime = sampling_period_us / 1e6;
			velocity_x += vibration.x * deltaTime; //Ax * dT
			velocity_y += vibration.y * deltaTime; //Ay * dT
			velocity_z += vibration.z * deltaTime; //Az * dT

			data.rms_vel[0] += (velocity_x * velocity_x);
			data.rms_vel[1] += (velocity_y * velocity_y);
			data.rms_vel[2] += (velocity_z * velocity_z);


	data.rms_accel[0] = sqrt(data.rms_accel[0] / SAMPLES);
	data.rms_accel[1] = sqrt(data.rms_accel[1] / SAMPLES);
	data.rms_accel[2] = sqrt(data.rms_accel[2] / SAMPLES);

	data.rms_vel[0] = sqrt(data.rms_vel[0] / SAMPLES);
	data.rms_vel[1] = sqrt(data.rms_vel[1] / SAMPLES);
	data.rms_vel[2] = sqrt(data.rms_vel[2] / SAMPLES);

    char buffer[256];
    snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
             "RMS Accel: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\r\nRMS Vel: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\r\n",
             data.rms_accel[0], data.rms_accel[1], data.rms_accel[2],
             data.rms_vel[0], data.rms_vel[1], data.rms_vel[2]);

HAL_StatusTypeDef MCP9808_ReadTemperature_LowPower(double *temperature) {
	HAL_StatusTypeDef status;

	status = MCP9808_Wake(&hi2c1);
	if (status != HAL_OK) {
		return status;


	status = MCP9808_ReadTemperature(&hi2c1, temperature);

    char buffer[256];
    snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Temp: %d \r\n", *temperature);

	if (status != HAL_OK) {
		return status;

	status = MCP9808_Shutdown(&hi2c1);
	return status;

void readBatteryData(uint16_t* soc) {
    uint16_t voltage;
    char msg[64];

    if (MAX17048_ReadVoltage(&hi2c1, &voltage) == HAL_OK) {
        snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Voltage: %u mV\r\n", voltage);
    } else {
        DEBUG_PRINT("Failed to read voltage\r\n");

    if (MAX17048_ReadSOC(&hi2c1, soc) == HAL_OK) {
        snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "State of Charge: %u%%\r\n", *soc);
    } else {
        DEBUG_PRINT("Failed to read SOC\r\n");

void I2C_Scan() {
    char msg[64];
    HAL_StatusTypeDef result;
    uint8_t i;

    DEBUG_PRINT("Scanning I2C bus:\r\n");

    for (i = 1; i < 128; i++) {

        result = HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady(&hi2c1, (uint16_t)(i << 1), 1, 10);
        if (result == HAL_OK) {
            snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Device found at 0x%02X\r\n", i);
        } else {

    DEBUG_PRINT("I2C scan completed.\r\n");

void setup() {

    if (KX122_Init(&hi2c1) != HAL_ERROR)
        DEBUG_PRINT("Ready KX122\r\n");
        DEBUG_PRINT("Error in KX122 connection\r\n");

    if (MCP9808_Init(&hi2c1) != HAL_ERROR)
        DEBUG_PRINT("Ready MCP9808\r\n");
        DEBUG_PRINT("Error in MCP9808 connection\r\n");

    if (MAX17048_Init(&hi2c1) != HAL_ERROR)
        DEBUG_PRINT("Ready MAX17048\r\n");
        DEBUG_PRINT("Error in MAX17048 connection\r\n");

    if (FRAM_Init(&hi2c1) != HAL_ERROR)
        DEBUG_PRINT("Ready FRAM\r\n");
        DEBUG_PRINT("Error in FRAM connection\r\n");



    char buffer[50];
    snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Next Memory Adds: %d\r\n", metadata.nextFreeAddress);

    package_factor = 3 * ceil((float)(SAMPLES) / (float)TRANSMISSION_DATA_PACKAGE);
    data_sender_period = round(1000 * ((float)DATA_TRANSMISSION_PERIOD / (float)package_factor));
    sampling_period_us = round(1000000 * (SAMPLES / (float)ACC_DATA_RATE));
    acc_sample_factor = floor((float)ACC_DATA_RATE / (float)SAMPLES);

    sizeInBytes = FRAM_MEMORY_SIZE;

    FRAM_Format(&hi2c1, &metadata);

    DEBUG_PRINT("Starting Temperature Reading:\r\n");
    double temp;

    char bufferTemp[50];
    snprintf(bufferTemp, sizeof(bufferTemp), "Temp: %.2f\r\n", temp);  // Usar %.2f para imprimir double

    DEBUG_PRINT("Starting Battery Reading:\r\n");
    int16_t bat = 0;

    char bufferBat[50];
    snprintf(bufferBat, sizeof(bufferBat), "Bat: %d\r\n", bat);

    Vibration vibration = KX122_ReadAccelData(&hi2c1);

    char bufferVib[50];
    snprintf(bufferVib, sizeof(bufferVib), "RMS Accel: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\r\n",
             vibration.x, vibration.y, vibration.z);  // Usar %.2f para imprimir double

    // Teste de escrita e leitura da FRAM
    float test_value = 123.456f;
    float read_value = 0.0f;
    uint16_t test_address = 0x0000;

    if (FRAM_WriteFloat(&hi2c1, &metadata, test_address, test_value) == HAL_OK) {
        DEBUG_PRINT("FRAM write success\r\n");

        if (FRAM_ReadFloat(&hi2c1, test_address, &read_value) == HAL_OK) {
            char buffer[100];
            snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "FRAM read success, value: %.3f\r\n", read_value);

            if (fabs(test_value - read_value) < 0.001f) {
                DEBUG_PRINT("FRAM test passed\r\n");
            } else {
                DEBUG_PRINT("FRAM test failed: values do not match\r\n");
        } else {
            DEBUG_PRINT("FRAM read failed\r\n");
    } else {
        DEBUG_PRINT("FRAM write failed\r\n");

    DEBUG_PRINT("Testando delayMicroseconds...\r\n");
        uint32_t start_test = micros();
        delayMicroseconds(1000000);  // 1 segundo
        uint32_t end_test = micros();
        char bufferDelay[50];
        snprintf(bufferDelay, sizeof(bufferDelay), "Atraso: %lu us\r\n", end_test - start_test);

    DEBUG_PRINT("Starting Vibration Reading:\r\n");

unsigned long readMilliseconds;

bool energy_save = false;

float temperatureValue;
int current_package = 0;
int reset_counter = 0;
bool sendDataDelay = false;
int axis = 0;
void readAndSendFRAMData() {
	if (energy_save) {
		readMilliseconds = millis();
		sendDataDelay = true;
		energy_save = false;
	} else if (millis() > (readMilliseconds + data_sender_period)) {
		sendDataDelay = true;

	if (current_package >= (2 * package_factor / 3))
		axis = 2;
	else if (current_package >= (package_factor / 3))
		axis = 1;
		axis = 0;

	if (sendDataDelay) {
		int start = TRANSMISSION_DATA_PACKAGE * current_package
				- TRANSMISSION_DATA_PACKAGE * axis * package_factor / 3;

		int end = (start + TRANSMISSION_DATA_PACKAGE);

		if (current_package > 0)
			start += 1;

		for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
			uint16_t address = i * sizeof(float)
					+ SAMPLES * axis * sizeof(float);
			float value = 0.0;

			if (SAMPLES >= i) {
				FRAM_ReadFloat(&hi2c1, address, &value);

			vibrationPackage.dataPackage[i - start] = value;

		strncpy(vibrationPackage.key, SENSOR_KEY, sizeof(vibrationPackage.key));

		vibrationPackage.type = 'P';

		vibrationPackage.start = start;
		vibrationPackage.end = min(end, SAMPLES);

		vibrationPackage.axis = axis;



		readMilliseconds = millis();
		sendDataDelay = false;

		//if (report) {
		//temperatureValue += readTemperature() / package_factor;
		//reset_counter = 0;

		energy_save = true;

void loop() {

	if (current_package >= package_factor) {
		temperatureValue = 0;
		MCP9808_ReadTemperature_LowPower( &temperatureValue);
		data.temperature = temperatureValue;
		strncpy(data.key, SENSOR_KEY, sizeof(data.key));
		data.type = 'D';

		uint16_t soc = 0;
		readBatteryData(&soc); // Passing the address of soc

		data.battery = soc;

		current_package = 0;

void sendVibrationPackage(Transmission_VibrationPackage sendingVibrationPackage) {

	uint8_t buffer[sizeof(Transmission_VibrationPackage)];
	memcpy(buffer, &sendingVibrationPackage,

	LoRa_Transmit(&hspi1, buffer, sizeof(Transmission_VibrationPackage));


void sendData(Transmission_Data sendingData) {

	uint8_t buffer[sizeof(Transmission_Data)];
	memcpy(buffer, &sendingData, sizeof(Transmission_Data));

	LoRa_Transmit(&hspi1, buffer, sizeof(Transmission_Data));


Here I take the accelerometer reading:

void writeVibrationInformation() {
	data.rms_accel[0] = 0.0;
	data.rms_accel[1] = 0.0;
	data.rms_accel[2] = 0.0;

	data.rms_vel[0] = 0.0;
	data.rms_vel[1] = 0.0;
	data.rms_vel[2] = 0.0;

	float velocity_x = 0.0;
	float velocity_y = 0.0;
	float velocity_z = 0.0;

	int d = 0;
	int count = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLES; i++) {
			Vibration vibration = KX122_ReadAccelData(&hi2c1);


			FRAM_WriteFloat(&hi2c1, &metadata,
					address + SAMPLES * 0 * sizeof(float), vibration.x);
			FRAM_WriteFloat(&hi2c1, &metadata,
					address + SAMPLES * 1 * sizeof(float), vibration.y);
			FRAM_WriteFloat(&hi2c1, &metadata,
					address + SAMPLES * 2 * sizeof(float), vibration.z);

			address += sizeof(float);

			count = 0;

			data.rms_accel[0] += (vibration.x * vibration.x);
			data.rms_accel[1] += (vibration.y * vibration.y);
			data.rms_accel[2] += (vibration.z * vibration.z);

			float deltaTime = sampling_period_us / 1e6;
			velocity_x += vibration.x * deltaTime; //Ax * dT
			velocity_y += vibration.y * deltaTime; //Ay * dT
			velocity_z += vibration.z * deltaTime; //Az * dT

			data.rms_vel[0] += (velocity_x * velocity_x);
			data.rms_vel[1] += (velocity_y * velocity_y);
			data.rms_vel[2] += (velocity_z * velocity_z);


	data.rms_accel[0] = sqrt(data.rms_accel[0] / SAMPLES);
	data.rms_accel[1] = sqrt(data.rms_accel[1] / SAMPLES);
	data.rms_accel[2] = sqrt(data.rms_accel[2] / SAMPLES);

	data.rms_vel[0] = sqrt(data.rms_vel[0] / SAMPLES);
	data.rms_vel[1] = sqrt(data.rms_vel[1] / SAMPLES);
	data.rms_vel[2] = sqrt(data.rms_vel[2] / SAMPLES);

    char buffer[256];
    snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
             "RMS Accel: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\r\nRMS Vel: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\r\n",
             data.rms_accel[0], data.rms_accel[1], data.rms_accel[2],
             data.rms_vel[0], data.rms_vel[1], data.rms_vel[2]);

In this part I run a test in the loop with debug and delay:

	for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLES; i++) {
	    char bufferDelay[100];
	    snprintf(bufferDelay, sizeof(bufferDelay), "Iteracao: %d, Atraso: %d us\r\n", i, sampling_period_us);

	    // Log antes do delay
	    DEBUG_PRINT("Antes do delay...\r\n");
	    uint32_t start_test = micros();
	    uint32_t end_test = micros();
	    DEBUG_PRINT("Depois do delay...\r\n");

	    snprintf(bufferDelay, sizeof(bufferDelay), "Delay real: %lu us\r\n", end_test - start_test);

	    // Log para verificar se a iteração foi completada
	    snprintf(bufferDelay, sizeof(bufferDelay), "Iteracao %d completada\r\n", i);

I've tried removing the reading from the accelerometer and testing it. My code runs in the while loop, and it also hangs after a short time.


Do some real debugging so you understand where it "hangs"

while(1); loops in Error_Handler() and HardFault_Handler() can be particularly silent and unhelpful unless changed to something more useful.

Your approach to the micro second delay is also potentially broken. You have to have the math be aware of the potential for wrapping, like this, which exploits the same nature of the unsigned 32-bit number space as the TIM

void delayMicroseconds(uint32_t us) {
    uint32_t start = micros();
    while((micros() - start) < us) { // Safer to compute a delta, and compare that..
        // Espera até atingir o tempo desejado

You can't add it up front and check for the future..

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Lead II

It's STM32L0 (with a zero) not STM32LO.


Your two problems maybe actually be one and the same. Your code is either crashing or hanging, and the only way to get out of this bad state is to reset the chip. Fix one and you may have fixed the other. Such Economy!

- If someone's post helped resolve your issue, please thank them by clicking "Accept as Solution".
- Please post an update with details once you've solved your issue. Your experience may help others.

I added the changes to the delay and ran the Debug.
In the STMCube debug mode, it is stuck on HAL_Init.

In Run mode, it runs up to the same delay point and doesn't go any further.




@MatheusMarkies wrote:

In the STMCube debug mode, it is stuck on HAL_Init.

So step into that function to see where, exactly, it's getting stuck.

Lead II

Why is your debug output corrupted at start of line? I saw this once when I was multiplexing a pin between SPI and UART modes, and was not respecting the timing for CS for the other chip when switching.

You should look into it - later. 

- If someone's post helped resolve your issue, please thank them by clicking "Accept as Solution".
- Please post an update with details once you've solved your issue. Your experience may help others.

Well, as I'm using the Mega which is powered by a 5V voltage, I believe it's corrupted by the difference in power supply voltages and the lack of a level shifter in the UART.

How can I debug it? This function is defined in a file called "stm32l0xx_hal.c".
The IDE debug is only showing what it executes in main.c

@MatheusMarkies wrote:

Well, as I'm using the Mega which is powered by a 5V voltage, I believe it's corrupted by the difference in power supply voltages and the lack of a level shifter in the UART.

I don't think so. But let's not get off track here.

- If someone's post helped resolve your issue, please thank them by clicking "Accept as Solution".
- Please post an update with details once you've solved your issue. Your experience may help others.

Use the 'Step Into' button:



Also available on the 'Run' menu:



It's a pretty standard debugger feature - Microchip's MPLAB and Microchip Studio both have it:

