2025-01-16 6:27 AM - edited 2025-01-16 6:29 AM
I am running a bluetooth application using freeRTOS on a Nucleo-WB55 (STM32WB55RG). I am in the process of implementing Emulated EEPROM (X-Cube-EEPROM) to store som data.
After implementing eeprom emulated in a ble_heartrate_freertos example I have had problems understanding the execution of the Emulated EEPROM operation after a pagetransfer + cleanup (obs. for simplicity I use EE_CleanUp here)
Without BLE activated (in SingleCore mode) EEPROM Emulated write and pagetransfer+cleanup looks just fine:
Pagetransfer + cleanup takes ~40-50ms
With BLE activated (in DualCore Mode) the following EEPROM operation occupies much more time than expected:
Pagetransfer + cleanup still takes ~40-50ms, but a long delay is introduced in the next EEPROM operation:
Here is an example of the additional delay introduced in the following EEPROM (after a pagetransfer + cleanup) operation:
Here is the code:
int main(void)
defaultTaskHandle = osThreadNew(StartDefaultTask, NULL, &defaultTask_attributes);
EEPROMTimer_Id = osTimerNew(EEPROM_Emul_Simple, osTimerPeriodic, (void *)0, NULL);
osTimerStart(EEPROMTimer_Id, 50);
/* Start scheduler */
/* We should never get here as control is now taken by the scheduler */
while (1) { }
static void EEPROM_Emul_Simple()
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(DEBUG1_Gpio_Port, DEBUG1_Pin);
static uint32_t VarValue = 1;
static uint32_t Index = 1;
static EE_Status ee_status = EE_OK;
taskENTER_CRITICAL(); // Exit of critical section in FreeRTOS (disables interrupts)
/* Wait for the flash semaphore to be free */
taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); // exit of critical section in FreeRTOS
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(DEBUG3_Gpio_Port, DEBUG3_Pin);
taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); // exit of critical section in FreeRTOS
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(DEBUG3_Gpio_Port, DEBUG3_Pin);
HAL_FLASH_Unlock(); /* Unlock the Flash Program Erase controller */
/* ----------- WRITE ----------- */
/* Toggle LED to show the EEPROM operations are effectively running */
ee_status = EE_WriteVariable32bits(Index, Index*VarValue);
/* If flash is used by CPU2 */
if (ee_status == EE_FLASH_USED) {
/* Lock the Flash Program Erase controller and release the semaphore */
taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); // exit of critical section in FreeRTOS
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(DEBUG3_Gpio_Port, DEBUG3_Pin);
/* Start cleanup mode, if cleanup is needed */
if ((ee_status & EE_STATUSMASK_CLEANUP) == EE_STATUSMASK_CLEANUP) {ErasingOnGoing = 0; ee_status |= EE_CleanUp();}
if ((ee_status & EE_STATUSMASK_ERROR) == EE_STATUSMASK_ERROR) {Error_Handler();}
/* Prepare the static parameters for the next time next the function is called by the FreeRTOS */
if (Index >= (NB_OF_VARIABLES + 1)) {
Index = 1;
/* Lock the Flash Program Erase controller and release flash semaphore if needed */
taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); // exit of critical section in FreeRTOS
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(DEBUG1_Gpio_Port, DEBUG1_Pin);
Solved! Go to Solution.
2025-02-20 4:43 AM
Hello @Nikolaj_TL,
cores on STM32WB are independent, CPU1 is not able to directly wake-up CPU2.
Difference in write and page transfer is the need for erase during page transfer and SHCI_C2_FLASH_EraseActivity command. As AN5289 is stating:
"When CPU1 sends the system command SHCI_C2_FLASH_EraseActivity(ERASE_ACTIVITY_ON), CPU2 immediately takes Sem7 until the next radio event, preventing any flash erase or write operations during this period."
Best regards,
2025-01-23 12:42 AM
Dear Nikolaj,
I believe justification of your behavior is in synchronization between cores during flash access as described in AN5289, chapter 4.7.1 CPU2 timing protection. Before flash erase, CPU1 shall send command SHCI_C2_FLASH_EraseActivity (ERASE_ACTIVITY_ON) and wait for Sem7. As CPU2 is sleeping, Sem7 will be released by CPU2 during next connection/advertising event. This may cause delay up to size of connection/advertising interval, delay may change depending how long before CPU2 wakeup CPU1 start waiting for Sem7 (as your picture is showing).
Would this hypothesis fit your connection/advertising interval? Could you please verify your CPU1 is really waiting for Sem7?
Thank you, best regards,
2025-02-11 5:52 AM
Hello @Lubos KOUDELKA,
You are right CPU1 is waiting on Sem7 (tested by toggling a GPIO). This happens due to a page erase after a page transfer. Is It possible to wake cpu2 from sleep to make it hand over the semaphore before it wakes by the connection/advertising event.
Another issue which bothers me is that write operations also vary in length. From what I understand cpu1 should request the sem2 & sem7 both when it needs to write data and when it needs to make page transfers (as descriped in 4.7.1 (through the algorithm shown in Figure 10). But I do not see long wait times for semaphore7 when cpu1 writes variables in flash, only when it needs to make pagetransfer and therby erase a page.
How can this be?
2025-02-20 4:43 AM
Hello @Nikolaj_TL,
cores on STM32WB are independent, CPU1 is not able to directly wake-up CPU2.
Difference in write and page transfer is the need for erase during page transfer and SHCI_C2_FLASH_EraseActivity command. As AN5289 is stating:
"When CPU1 sends the system command SHCI_C2_FLASH_EraseActivity(ERASE_ACTIVITY_ON), CPU2 immediately takes Sem7 until the next radio event, preventing any flash erase or write operations during this period."
Best regards,
2025-02-23 10:41 PM - edited 2025-02-23 10:43 PM
Thank you @Lubos KOUDELKA
How would you then make CPU1 get Sem7 , when BLE (CPU2) is in Low Power advertising min period: 30s, max period: 90s.
CPU1 could be waiting for quite some time before writing to eeprom.