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STM32 development board for CAN/OBDII development

Associate II

Hello. I am looking for STM32 based development board for CAN/OBDII development. Please suggest me some suitable supportive development board based on STM32F4 or H series which has inbuilt CAN support and if it has CAN/OBDII development support example which would be helpful to initiate the development. Thank you.


I don't know if there is any OBD2 support.
For board selection you could use the CubeMX board selector to find a board with FDCAN peripheral and hardware IO.

I'm currently using the H735 Discovery Kit, which has 2 FDCANs with transceivers on board.

Associate II

Hi @LCE Thanks for your reply.
yes, I tried filter the board using CubeMX board selector and I found that there are not many development board which supports in-build dedicated CAN. I am looking for dedicated CAN supported board instead of in-build OBD2 interface. 
Since the CubeMX shows many boards including DISC and Nucleo when I apply filter mainly with CAN and Ethernet as this is the priority. but the most of the boards shows the CAN parameters (with green check) in Peripheral section as:
CAN 0 3
Could you please help me to select the right development board based on my requirement? Also, Is there big difference between Nucleo boards and DISC boards or anyone is fine for development?
Please suggest~ Thanks.


Take a look at the boards:

- the Nucleos only have the most basic external ICs, like USB and ethernet interface, so in case you choose that one, you would have to wire some CAN transceiver on your own (not too hard, I'd say)

- the Discovery Kits have lots of additional RAM and or IO ICs, I'm not sure but I think they are mostly all quite different

Karl Yamashita
Lead III

You're not giving enough information. Do you want a development board with a CAN transceiver or just a CAN peripheral? Does the development board need to support CAN FD or just CAN 2.0b? You have to be more specific on OBDII development as there are a handful of protocols it supports, GMLAN, K-Line, HS CAN, LSFTCAN...

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Hi @Karl Yamashita. sorry for late reply.
I am looking for a DVK which should have CAN transceiver so that I can directly read/write the can data.
It should support CAN2.0b for now. I need to develop a OBDII scanner using STM32F series, where I can scan the PIDs with DTCs as well. Please suggest~ Thanks.


STM32 peripheral which can be setup to support high bit rates is called "FDCAN".

As far as I know only the Discovery boards have CAN transceivers equipped, but beware, these are not isolated.