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Problem with baud rate 19200 on STM32F0.

Associate III


I have the problem with USART baud rate in STM32F09x. I want to use baud rate: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200bps with data length - 8 bits, parity and one stop bit. 

I can connect to the device at all speeds except 19200.

Microcontroller uses HSI 48 MHz clock.

Where is the problem ?

Thank you for help.


>>Where is the problem ?

 Put a scope on it and tell us.

8-bit with parity is programmed as 9-bit, 19200 baud should be a clean divide of 48 MHz

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> I can connect to the device at all speeds except 19200.

How exactly does "can not connect" exhibit itself?

Note, that HSI is +-1% only at 25 deg.C and VDDA = 3.3 V. Also, some Cube incarnations on some families tend to spoil the internal RC oscillators trim, so check RCC_CR.HSITRIM.


Associate III


I am testing transmission and I have noise error for 19200 speed in receive mode. I used 2 diffrent master and I have this error in my microcontroller. It works as a slave.
