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Issues with STM32H753VIT6 After Clock Changes - Not Responding or Reprogramming


Moved from the MPUs forum - H7 is an MCU, not MPU

I am a complete beginner with STM32, and I'm currently working on a project where I need to transmit a simple 16-bit ADC value to USB using my STM32H753VIT6. I'm trying to figure out things myself, but I seem to have encountered an issue and could really use some guidance.

Here’s the situation:

  1. When I started the project, all the basic peripherals were running at a 64 MHz clock speed.
  2. To improve performance, I increased the clock speed to 480 MHz for the peripherals that can handle that.
  3. I then adjusted the ADC clock to 100 MHz, and everything seemed to work fine (the IDE supported it without showing any errors).
  4. However, I then changed all clocks to 120 MHz, the ADC clock to 64 MHz, and kept the USB_OTG at 48 MHz (I never changed this one).
  5. After flashing the STM32 with these settings, the device is no longer responding and I cannot reprogram it.

I’m completely new to this, so I’m not sure where I went wrong. Could this be a clock configuration issue? Is there a way to recover the device and reprogram it?

Sorry if I did something foolish, but I’d really appreciate any help or suggestions on how to proceed!
