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How long after increasing the clock rate do I need to wait?

John Adriaan
Associate III

Further to my previous question on the STM32L432KC at

I am successfully increasing the clock rate from the reset rate of 4MHz to my desired rate of 80MHz (the maximum) using MSIClk synced to the LSE via the PLL. Part of that is waiting for the PLL to get lock - all of the status bits show everything is good to go.

Soon after, I configure USART1 to 115,200 bps (using PClk) and transmit a welcome banner. Unfortunately, the first few characters, from 0 to 5 of them, are corrupt. Once everything settles the data is perfect, but not the first few characters.

I added a simple `for (int i=0;i<10000;++i) asm(" NOP; ");` between setting the clock and sending the banner, and it's always perfect. If I reduce `10000` to `2000` it's often all right, but occasionally the first character is corrupt.

Is there a guaranteed way to know that the clock has stabilised before trying to use it?


Accepted Solutions

This is for 'L433, look in to DS for your device:0690X00000ARI7BQAX.png


View solution in original post

Lead III

I don't know the L4xx in detail.

> ... using MSIClk synced to the LSE via the PLL.

MSI is not a good choice for a stable and precise clock. It is based on an on-silicon RC element prone to manufacturing tolerances and temperature drift. See the datasheet.

The startup is usually associated with a power transient (peripherals are turned on, core begins to work), and switching the core clock from 4MHz to 80MHz as well.

Your problem might well be MSI temperature drift.

John Adriaan
Associate III

According to the datasheet, MSI does drift - but if you lock it via the PLL to the 32.768 kHz LSE (which I have), it's accurate enough to be used for USB work. So it's certainly good enough for serial comms.

But even if I were to use another clock, how do I know that that clock has settled? The reset rate is 4 MHz, and I want 80 MHz: when do I know that it's steady?

This is for 'L433, look in to DS for your device:0690X00000ARI7BQAX.png


John Adriaan
Associate III


Perfect! Thanks a lot. The L432 has the same entries in its table - which I never even thought to look at!



Rather than wait a fixed amount of time for MSI to stabilize, follow this advice from the Reference Manual:

"The MSIRDY flag in the Clock control register (RCC_CR) indicates wether the MSI RC is stable or not. "

IMO the MSIRDY flag indicates stabilization after switching MSI on, i.e. is related to the tSU(MSI) parameter in the table I posted above; rather than to the stabilization of the PLL locking MSI to LSE.


John Adriaan
Associate III

@jerry2 Thanks, but I already do this - as JW said, after turning MSI on. Nevertheless I added the same wait code after doing everything else to increase the clock speed: no difference.

But yes, I'd prefer to check a register than wait some maximum time. Ah well!


Ah, I see, you want to know when the PLL is locked. Monitor Bit 25 PLLRDY in RCC_CR. When it transitions from 0 -> 1 the PLL is locked.

John Adriaan
Associate III

And I do that too. In fact, you have to do it before syncing the MSI to it. The last bit of my clock speedup code looks like this:

	RCC_CR.PLLON = true;     // Turn PLL (back) on
	while (!RCC_CR.PLLRDY) { // Wait for it to turn on
	} // while
	RCC_CR.MSIPLLEN = true;  // Sync MSI to PLL (requires LSERDY!)
	RCC_CFGR.SW = SysClk_PLL;          // Now switch SysClk to PLL
	while (RCC_CFGR.SWS!=SysClk_PLL) { // And wait...
	} // while

It's after this code has finished that I still have to wait ~2ms before the clock has sped up enough to give reliable serial comms. Well... 5% after ~1ms may be good enough.