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Do STM32H747I-DISCO support JLINK?


I see that in the datasheet it written it supports stlink, is there any way to add JLINK support?

I used STM32H743IIT6/M7 board previously to play around with the board which supports JLINK, I want to test my code same on the STM32H747I-DISCO board.

ST Employee

Hello @Brainchip​  and welcome to the Community :),

The STM32H747I-DISCO doesn’t support JLINK for ARM 20-pin connector directly.

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Nobody asked about ARM 20-pin connector specifically. Both of these support any compatible SWD debugger with appropriate connectors:

  • TAG-Connect 10-pin footprint
  • Arm® Cortex® 10-pin 1.27 mm-pitch debug connector over STDC14 footprint

The author is bad at explaining the details, but most likely the question was if/when boards with on-board STLINK-V3 will support conversion to J-Link:

The STM32H747I / H757I-EVAL did provide for a JTAG header, but this board is apparently obsolete now.

I think a J-LINK OB based on the STM32F723 ST-LINK/V3 platform would be a good alternative/option, just not sure what the business drivers are to make that happen.

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