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DMB() in atomic_fetch_add leads to hard fault if MPU AXI is not cacheable

Associate III

Hi there,

I have got an STM32H7B0 processor.

I would like to make a part of the AXI (main RAM of application) not cacheable so I don't need SCB_CleanDCache() before/after DMA write/read transaction.

But another part of the AXI RAM should be cacheable and be used with DCACHE for data optimized access to the internal framebuffers.

If I make the AXI RAM not cacheable via MPU (not cacheable, not shareable, not bufferable) and run into a atomic_fetch_add which uses DMB() a hard fault occurs.

std::atomic<int> g;

If I uncomment this code above, the whole application (including DMA, freeRTOS, DMA2D) runs without problems. If I set the AXI RAM as cacheable, the error does not occur.

Does anybody know why this happens?

The CPU dies here:

//  return __atomic_fetch_add(&_M_i, __i, int(__m)); }
 9000BD86   LDR            R3, [R7, #20]
 9000BD88   LDR            R2, [R7, #16]
 9000BD8A   DMB            ISH
 9000BD8E   LDREX          R1, [R3] // <-- hard fault
 9000BD92   ADD.W          R0, R1, R2
 9000BD96   STREX          R12, R0, [R3]
 9000BD9A   CMP.W          R12, #0
 9000BD9E   BNE            0x9000BD8E                    ; <std::__atomic_base<int>::operator++>+0x1E
 9000BDA0   DMB            ISH
 9000BDA4   MOV            R3, R