2017-11-13 6:56 AM
I created project in cubemx and opened in keil but i changed my computer and installed new keil, i couldn't open projects cubemx built. I don't know what is the problem ? I took some screen shots about my problem.
Also i cand open my old projects with keil. I don't know why last version is not opening ?
Thanks a lot.
#keil-mdk5 #stm32cube #stm32f32017-11-13 8:24 AM
Maybe the keil is not properly installed ! P
lease share your .ioc file to check your issue.
Best Regards
2017-11-13 11:16 PM
Firstly thanks for your helps. I have already re-installed keil but again i faced same error(CANNOT READ PROJECT FILE). Here is .ioc file. What should i do for beat that problem ?
With warmest regards.
________________ Attachments : M1.ioc.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HxV0&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000b5j%2Fbe6izq7nuZv58HoO9LF_5azs6QtCsuUgofcczZtpRJI&asPdf=false2017-11-15 8:48 AM
There is no problem with your ioc file ! I'm not able to reproduce this problem in my environment using CubeMx 4.23 and Keil 5.23 .
I think the problem is due to your environment.
Best Regards
2017-11-15 11:03 AM
You'd probably want to review the .uvprojx file for completeness and validity.
Keil can get weird about file names, paths and networked drives. I would try to keep everything on the local drive, and not have cube installed under \User\XYZ\ type paths. And avoid using Linux paths under Windows.
2017-12-12 6:39 AM
mutlu.mert wrote:
i faced same error(CANNOT READ PROJECT FILE).
Sorry, I've lost track: which application (Keil or Cube) is giving that error?
At what point, exactly, are you getting that error?
The Keil project files are just text (XML, in fact) - can you open them in a text editor?
Do you still have the original computer?
If so, are the projects still working on that computer?
If so, do a diff of the two sets of project files ...
2017-12-12 8:48 AM
Keil has some issues with leaving files open (locked) when a project is closed. In Windows if a file is mapped against memory you can't delete that file (think .DLL), often you can rename it.
When I've encountered this I either open a different project, or close Keil. Similarly if I have a file open in a viewer (say .MAP, .AXF, or .HEX) a build process may fail because the linker cannot open file.