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Hi, i want to try adc ch0 and ch1 in stm32f053 nucleo, i have 10k ohm and 1k ohm between 3v3, gnd and analog input. ( Basically voltage divider for measure.) However, i've faced absurd values in adc channel and, these values never changes. I'm sharin...
Posted on April 18, 2018 at 08:28In stm32l053 systick is not working with internal oscillator. I defined variable in systick interrupt and i configured HSI clock, but software broke on my delay function in main. I read all documentations about stm32...
Posted on April 13, 2018 at 18:26Hi, i want to use internal crystal. I'did configrations via cube mx however it did not worked. I want to test it with blink led. As you see my code;I don't know where i am wrong ? Thanks a lot /**********************...
Posted on November 13, 2017 at 15:56I created project in cubemx and opened in keil but i changed my computer and installed new keil,  i couldn't open projects  cubemx built. I don't know what is the problem ? I took some screen shots about my proble...
Posted on February 07, 2017 at 07:41Hi i want to use SPWF01SA wifi module, but i'm confused about connections.  I want to control SPWF01S with another mcu and in my schematic i've connected only rx,tx, vcc and gnd also one connector like jtag. But i...
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