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USB Audio Device/Host Class 2.0 Middleware support?

Associate II


I am using STM32H743 nucleo board. I am looking to configure the USB interface as Audio Class 2.0 device. Is there any middleware available to achieve this?

Does STM has any plan to support Audio Class 2.0 middleware? Current middleware only supports Audio Class 1.0.




from SDcard on H743 , its working; 192k/32bit stereo is max. i tried;

on USB host, from the only example from STM ->

the usb dac is not working, seems, STM here can work only with "headset", thats all. useless for me.

maybe i try the AZURE usb audio host on a H563 , seems to be last chance for "me and STM -> audio host".

otherwise i try a raspberry , just to test USB DAC with audio host. (on linux no problem.)

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STM's USB support is way out of date, one of their Sales Engineers told me there is a beta for a totally new Class 2 USB driver, but it's been 2 weeks and he's not come back to me on availability.
I am really not so impressed with STM support.

yes, the "AUDIO_standalone" example (= USB audio host on H743-eval) is 2 years old !

and i got info: there is nothing new planned.

last year ->


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ST Employee

Hi @Robmar , yes 192KHz is supported

Hi @Robmar , I already provided links to the releases already available (here).

Examples with USB Audio 2.0 Host will be released soon on GitHub.

I see that the GitHub page has now been updated, but USBX is tied in AZRTOS with many dependencies.
Did anyone bother to make an example of the USB 2.0 Class 2 driver working on HAL, without the RTOS?
Without any bare metal support we're just going to use TinyUSB first, otherwise we'd have to waste many hours trying to patch the driver into HAL, you realise that right?

ST Employee

Yes, I confirm that standalone mode (ie. without RTOS) is not supported yet for the audio class. I can't provide a committed plan to offer this option. 

After a deeper discussion with the team we confirm following points:

  1. We will provide an alpha example implementation of the USBX Host Audio2.0 on GitHub in the coming 2 weeks.
  2. We confirm that it is not possible to implement USB Host Audio (or Video) without RTOS usage unless changing deeply the USB Audio Class implementation in the stack. So, RTOS is mandatory when using Audio or Video classes (at least with current implementation of the stacks).  

the only audio host i found is cherryusb ->

The host mode doesn't have an audio class support either.

STM have told me that their USBX driver for AzRTOS can handle USB 2.0 Class 2 as Host and Device, but so far we can't find a single audio streaming example, though strangely there is a video example using AzRTOS+USBX.