2022-02-11 11:34 AM
I have a motor control board built around the STM32F446RET6.
I was updating code using motor control workbench to alter the control parameters.
After an update, I was no longer able to use the motor control workbench console to communicate with the board through USART3.
Here is the sequence of events that 'broke' the link.
Here are the versions of the SW tools I am using:
Motor Control Workbench - 5.4.7
STMCubeMX - 6.3.0
STMCubeIDE - 1.3.0
I have reviewed the USART settings in CubeMX, I everything looks okay to me.
I have a point on the board where I can scope USART3-RX and USART3-TX.
There is definitely activity on RX, but I rarely see any signals on TX.
I also attempted to put a breakpoint in the code for the USART, but this breakpoint never got triggered. So it appears the interrupt routine is not being called.
Any advice on where to look to correct this issue?
2022-02-16 9:03 AM
Yes, thanks, I will see what tools are available I can use.
I ask a colleague for help, he just reported that he got the code working.
I will go through his steps and see what happens for me.
It sounds like it requires the correct version of CubeIDE paired with the version of CubeMX I use.
2022-02-24 12:56 PM
So, I tried following the steps my colleague used.
I have had no success.
He was able to get communication working once, but when changing or adjusting something, the problem seems to reoccur.
I tried compiling with low level drivers vs HAL, the code would not even compile.
I am going to try Tesla DeLorean's suggestion, look at the code example provided, and see if what I can get that working.
Do you compile your code with STM32CubeIDE, or do you use another tool?
2022-02-24 1:40 PM
I predominantly use Keil, occasionally gnu/gcc with make, and I don't use code generators like CubeMX