2024-09-24 8:43 PM
HelloTeam ,
we want to run BLDC motor using the STEVAL-SPIN3204 evalution board.In closed loop mode when we set speed 8000rpm it reach to 3000rpm and stop , after tunning KP and Ki in motor pilot the speed slightly increases.
Now we want to rotate motor in open loop at 30000rpm using hall sensor , for that in motor control work bench in drive setting we selecting open loop in debug setting section (snapshot shown below).
after saving and generating project and generating code ,I am getting below error while building project in SMT IDE
can you please guide how to solve above error.
my requirement is to run motor in open loop upto 30krpm in both direction in sensored mode i.e using hall sensor
please also tell us how to change direction of motor.
2024-09-25 1:28 AM
Hi Sayali,
this Open-Loop + Hall sensored project is now supported.
For that purpose, i invite you to download the new version of the MCSDK 6.3.1.
Best regards.
2024-09-25 6:40 AM
Hello Fabrice,
Thanks for the suggestion, now I am not getting error while generating code.
but while running motor in profiler it does not reaches to its maximum speed .please guide us use how to rotate motor in open loop and how set parameters PWM buffer size,pwm duty cycle,open loop voltage factor.
we just want to rotate motor in open loop in both direction and also suggest how to change direction.
2024-10-11 11:57 PM
Hello team ,
Waiting for response.