2019-02-21 4:12 AM
We have developed our own MC board, based on STM32F303RE (like the STM32F303 Nucleo-64 board). The pinout is slightly different. In the MCWB I can set the pinning correctly for the 3 phase but in what way can I set the correct ADC input to the B-EMF signals? I urgently need an answer, any help is welcome!
2019-03-26 2:56 AM
It seems that the MCWB is not using the B-EMF signal at all, rotor position is calculated based on the current (FOC mechanism).
2019-03-26 7:20 AM
It is true but in general if you need to add some features you can modify the .ioc file generated by ST MCWB and add the code to start/stop the peripheral you have added.
2019-04-23 10:24 PM
So is it true to say that in the STSPIN32F0 you cannot implement BEMF zero crossing in the "traditional" way and have to use FOC with current sampling? I was wondering how you could sample the BEMF on the floating winding on the SPIn products.
2019-04-24 4:38 AM
With the ST Motor Control Workbench it is not possible to use B-EMF in the "good old way", only FOC can be used. For another project I'm using only the STM32CubeMX (and not the MCWB) to check if B-EMF detection can be done with the STM32F303RE and I assume it will be successful. I'm convinced that FOC can/will be better but first of all I have to finish a proof of concept as soon as possible with B-EMF.
2019-05-07 11:35 PM
With STM32/ STSPIN32F0 you can use both FOC (without b-emf sensing) or standard trapeziodal/6 step control (with b-emf sensing). However ST Motor Control Workbench supports only FOC. There are some example code available for b-emf sensing mechanism also (refer to STEVAL-SPIN3202 - supports both FOC and 6 step control)
2021-06-27 11:07 PM
The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards