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I tried changing the baud here in main()static void MX_USART1_UART_Init(void)huart1.Init.BaudRate = 57600;and here in mbtask.c:void ModbusRTUTask() eMBErrorCode eStatus = eMBInit( MB_RTU, MB_SLAVE_ADDRESS, 3, 57600, MB_PAR_NONE );As mentioned, this o...
Error links to an autogenerated file: with the below.Any idea how to fix?Project is set by default to generate makefiles automatically. Doesn't seem right for a project like this. Can't find a real makefile for CubeIDE in the provided proje...
On ramp to 1000 RPM, intense rhythmic motor grinding noise (attached video). At 1000 RPM after hand over to PID, motor runs smoothly with no noise.Attached file with motor parameters header file and precompiled settingsThank you for any suggestions.
Downloaded and unzipped the STSW package.Followed Keil instructions exactly as in app note UM2310On batch build, both potentiometer and UART projects fail to build at link time with this error message.
When I connect the board, the SPIN32F0 removable drive (E:) that Windows sees is only 8KB. Reading User Manual UM2152: "....when the binary size is close to the 32 Kbytes maximum limit of the STSPIN32F0 (this is the case of the example binaries)".Cle...
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