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Unsufficient disk space on current disk

Associate II

Hello everyone, i am currently working on STM32 NUCLEO-L073RZ Projects with Ardunio Ide. I did not change anything from yesterday only i install mbed studio and after installation i delete. I did not do anything with mbed just installation,  and i took these errors attached with pictures. There are also Fail.txt file in Disk. How can i solve problems. All jumpers are located in correct place.


Sketch uses 8024 bytes (4%) of program storage space. Maximum is 196608 bytes.
Global variables use 868 bytes (4%) of dynamic memory, leaving 19612 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 20480 bytes.
"C:\Users\alpal\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\STM32\tools\STM32Tools\1.4.0/tools/win/massStorageCopy.bat" -I "C:\Users\alpal\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\03AC7BC7F6E3ABB77F4268DAA235E17A/sketch_may14a.ino.bin" -O "NODE_L073RZ"

Insufficient disk space on current disk.
Insert another disk and type <Return> to continue...

Insufficient disk space on current disk.
Insert another disk and type <Return> to continue... Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 2Ekran görüntüsü 2024-05-14 190908.png




And the SIZE of the .BIN is WHAT?

Can you drag-n-drop it manually?

What version of firmware is on the ST-LINK/V2-1 ? If it is old, perhaps use the update from sTM32 Cube Programmer.

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Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

As you're working with the Arduino IDE, and these messages are coming from the Arduino IDE, you'd be better asking on the Arduino IDE forum:

IDE v1.x:

IDE v2.x:


I added STM32CUBE IDE pictures i am taking another errors as you can see

Pardon? I don't understand!

You said you were using the Arduino IDE ?

Please clarify!


Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

@alpaltunsoy wrote:

There are also Fail.txt file in Disk.

So what does that file tell you?

What "disk" is it on?


My STLINK is updated but it does not working

Ekran görüntüsü 2024-05-14 192043.png

I wonder if you've crashed the chip, or stuck it in low power mode

Jumper BT0 and VDD (ie BOOT0=HIGH) so that it boots the system loader rather than user space code.

See if you can connect in STM32 Cube Programmer, and then mass erase part.

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It think the screen shot is showing CubeIDE as unable to connect to the target. Failed file probably communicating something similar.

Check also the pair of ST-LINK jumpers on the NUCLEO, that it can connect to the TARGET.

Try the BOOT0=HIGH method I describe in the other post.

Also check current measurement jumper is connected, otherwise the TARGET will not be powered.

Check 3V3 supply at IC

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