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Unsufficient disk space on current disk

Associate II

Hello everyone, i am currently working on STM32 NUCLEO-L073RZ Projects with Ardunio Ide. I did not change anything from yesterday only i install mbed studio and after installation i delete. I did not do anything with mbed just installation,  and i took these errors attached with pictures. There are also Fail.txt file in Disk. How can i solve problems. All jumpers are located in correct place.


Sketch uses 8024 bytes (4%) of program storage space. Maximum is 196608 bytes.
Global variables use 868 bytes (4%) of dynamic memory, leaving 19612 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 20480 bytes.
"C:\Users\alpal\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\STM32\tools\STM32Tools\1.4.0/tools/win/massStorageCopy.bat" -I "C:\Users\alpal\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\03AC7BC7F6E3ABB77F4268DAA235E17A/sketch_may14a.ino.bin" -O "NODE_L073RZ"

Insufficient disk space on current disk.
Insert another disk and type <Return> to continue...

Insufficient disk space on current disk.
Insert another disk and type <Return> to continue... Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 2Ekran görüntüsü 2024-05-14 190908.png




WhatsApp Image 2024-05-14 at 19.31.53.jpeg


Everything is located in correct way and it didnt work. i supply 3.3v from another voltage source it does not work

Actually my code was working and after 1 day with closed it doesnt

Not sure I'd power it this way.

Can you connect to it if self-powered?

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Yes and nothing changed

Error suggests the L073 isn't functional/viable, so could be damaged.

Disconnect external supplies, check 5V, 3.3V and VIN voltages at the headers.

Check 5V and U5V jumper, which is selecting the USB 5V as primary supply

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