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break implementation - ADC on stm32c031c6 using CubeMX

Associate II

please provide me the information about how to implement break for adc input, give me one example for break implementation in stm32c031c6 with mxcube configuration 

Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

@dee1 wrote:

 break for adc input 

What do you mean by that ?

how to give break input,or how to inactive/disable pwm output by using break function


Associate II

i used complementary pwm channels of tim1,break implementation for those channels,how to configure in mxcube and HAL for that.

Associate II

is this not understanding?

can you provide example for timer break input implementation


In the 'C0 family, there's no hardware to generate Break in TIM1 from ADC input.


but for tim1 pwm generation channel break is there,i want for that how to use break


I don't use the 'C0 family and I don't use CubeMX/Cube, but basically, you set up TIM1_BKIN pin (e.g. PA6) to the appropriate AF, and in TIM1_BDTR enable Break by setting the BKE bit. Optionally you can also change the polarity and add filtering, set up the output pins behaviour etc. in other bits of TIM1_BDTR - see description of that register in RM, and read functional description in Using the break function in the TIM chapter in RM.