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After connecting NUCLEO-WB55RG with BLE_HID example - no action from pressing SW1.

Associate III


From readme.txt:

On the Nucleo board side:
- Power on the Nucleo board with the BLE_Hid application

--- connected to usb

On the PC side:
- open a terminal window with the following settings:
baud rate of 115200
Byte size of 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Data Flow Control None

***** Mode Com3: Baud=115200 Parity=N Data=8 Stop=1"

On the PC/Smartphone:
- enable the Bluetooth communication (PC: or install any Bluetooth 4.0 USB adapter dongle)
- Connect to the STM32WB55xx device with PIN code 111111.

***** connected with PIN code 111111.

On the Nucleo board side:
Each action on the SW1 button display a menu in the terminal window, a kind of a mouth
with 3 button and a wheel emulation.

*** pressing switch SW1 - nothing happens!

Why something should happens on a terminal window connected to COM3 STLink ?



ST Employee

Hello @GS2 

When clicking on the SW1 Button, you will see this on the Serial monitor:


Best Regards.


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Associate III

Thank you STTwo-32,

Sorry, I am new here.

Is serial monitor same as a terminal window from readme.txt:

On the PC side:
- open a terminal window with the following settings:
baud rate of 115200
Byte size of 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Data Flow Control None.

If not, how should I open serial monitor?

Nothing happens in terminal window after pressing switch SW1!

And the second question - is it possible to change PIN code from "111111" ?

Associate III

So now I have 3 questions:

1. is it possible to change PIN code from "111111" ?

2. Why something should happens on a terminal window connected to COM3 STLink ?

3. After pressing SW1 - I have the follow:


Associate III

Don't you know the answers STTwo-32?

  1. Yes you can change the "111111".
  2. We have programmed the project to do that. 
  3. Yes it should be that.

Best Regards.


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