ST25 NFC/RFID tags and readers

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Resolved! Running a modified version of NFC08A1 AP2P demo from RFAL examples -- not quite working correctly

Hello,I am working on a version of the STM32L476RG_NUCLEO_AP2P_PROP_NFC8 demo included with the RFAL library examples, trying to get it going on a NUCLEO-F072RB.I have my code running, and if I bring an L476RG flashed with the unmodified AP2P demo, t...

dwagner4 by Associate III
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Resolved! blocking vs nonblocking RFAL apis

Hi, I am trying to understand the difference between blocking/non-blocking rfal apis.  ReturnCode rfalNfcvPollerReadMultipleBlocks( uint8_t flags, const uint8_t* uid, uint8_t firstBlockNum, uint8_t numOfBlocks, uint8_t* rxBuf, uint16_t rxBufLen, uint...

Luke_abc by Associate III
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Resolved! NFC Windows application for ST25DV

Hello community,I'm developing a FW for a board that uses the ST25DVxxxKC to show some board info (as tags) and to allow to update the FW.I've no problem or doubt on the board side (FW).I'm trying also to develop an application on a PC equipped with ...

Resolved! I Want help To read/write RFID tag using X-NUCLEO-NFC03A1 (CR95HF) and nucleo-F072RB boards.

I have purchased X-NUCLEO-NFC03A1 (CR95HF) evalboard, and nucelo-F072RB board.I want to develop RFID reader/writer . Please suggest a firmware example code which I can program in the eval board. Secondly Does ST has any PC based utility which can be ...

Resolved! How to deal with I2C Communication for the slave x-nucleo-nfc07a1 in which ST25DV64KC incorporated and is interfaced with STM32WB55RG?

Hi Sir/Madam, I am working with I2C in x-nucleo-nfc07a1 where ST25DV IC incorporated interfaced with Nucleo-WB55 board, what is the slave address(device address) for this?I am firmware engineer, I have I2C Scanning program wherePreviously, I work wit...

BT.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! Increase reading distance of CR95HF

Currently, I'm using CR95HF on our product which went into mass production already.  The tag is small with diameter only 9mm.  In the field, we are seeing a few percentage of unsuccessful read from the first read and need to retry several times.  How...


Resolved! VDD_AM on ST25R3916

Hi,It may be a *** question but, im quite sure i read time ago that on VDD_AM pin the 2u2 cap must not be place at one sccenario, but now im not able to find where i read that info and also i dont remember which was the scenario. I start to think im ...

ignacio by Associate
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