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ST10FLASHER translator to hex file

Posted on October 26, 2012 at 20:39As some of you may know, the ST10FLASHER provided by ST does not allow you to save target flash memory as an Intel hex file, but only as a formatted text file. For most, this may not be an issue, but I was in a sit...

Resolved! STUSB4500 PDO SRC not read

Hi,I have a custom PCB with STUSB4500 as the UCPD controller and STM32H7 as my application processor. Without any I2C communication between stm32h7 and stusb4500 the stusb4500 is able to negotiate a higher voltage from a usbC PD source by matching it...

rd1987 by Associate II
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Identify IC

Where can I buy this IC? I can't  find any information for it. If it is obsolete can you point me to the datasheet and alternatives?

bmateev by Associate
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