Hello I have another question I am currently working on a microcontroller project I am building a GPS tachometer which transfers the NMEA data of the GNSS 4 Click Module from Mikroe via UART to my STM32L052K6T6 and outputs it to a display How c...
Current data sheet says "When not connected (left floating), these inputs are read as low (0).",But old Datasheet (REV5.0) says "Chip Enable (E0, E1, E2). These input signals are used to set the value that is to be looked for onthe three least signi...
Hi guys!I just have a question if STMs MCU's are capable of doing somethings that I need.Currently I have a project that integrates an ESP8266 for the SPIFF (File System) and a Wi-Fi module for a Webserver. I really dont want to keep using the ESP826...
Hello, I would like to read and write an ST90402C6 mcuand i own a jegger flasher 5 but i cant choose this mcu model. I can select only ST92F120ST92F124 ST92F150ST92F250.If anyone knows of any other way to be able to read this chip?Thank you
I assume that a date code 99 chipset is way past its "Best By:" date. Just curious as I have seen this before but never asked the question.
Hello,I'm repairing SICK sensor and found the unknown component. Please help me recognize this part and possible replacement part.Thank you.
We need the Material declaration of BAT54ZFILM, obsolute product.Please send it.
How do we increase the voltage obtained as a result of the current measured in x-nucleo ika-01a1
Hi,This is the first time I am asking on this forum.Could you please help me with Some design help.I have designed circuit with eDESIGNSUITE for following requirements.1.Input voltage:180-265VAC2.Output Voltage-17V 4.2Afrom the design, it resulted ou...