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Forum Posts

Hey guy, I have been trying to setup X-NUCLEO with an stm32h743 Nucleo board using the "Application note" file but I could not update my STM32-NUCLEO board for X-NUCLEO-GNSS because the panel did not have a proper firmware.

I was looking to send instructions to X-NUCLEO using I2C , especifically the GetPos_I2C example but I dont know how set X-NUCLEO bord to recieve I2C instructions without the teseo-suite firmware. I was wondering if someone could help me with thatAppl...

How to generate firmware for STNRGPF02

Hi everyone, I'm designing an application with an STNRGPF02 and would like to generate an appropriate firmware for it.I made the conception using the STNRGPF12 design, since the chips are very similar and the PF02 is not available through eDesignSuit...