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STWINKT1B connect to MQTT through 5g wifi

Hi, I have a STWINKT1B board which I want to connect to my organization's 5ghz Wi-Fi to be able to send sensor logs to MQTT. To do this what additional hardware do I require (as the WIFI expansion pack for this board only supports 2.4ghz). And is th...

NRaha.1 by Associate II
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Are there any more detailed explanation regarding Teseo LIV3F software documentation UM2229 or binary image description UM2399?

Hello, right now i am working with a STA8090 DevKit to test some things with the Teseo LIV3F. Unfortunatly, the software documentation is very inconsistent.For example in UM2399 Rev5 May 2020, there is the command$PSTMCFGCONST (page 151/376), which a...

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SysTick configuration using HAL

Hello Community, doing a project, I need a Sys clock with 100us period, however, when I try to configure the systick through the CUBEMX I can't so, I'm asking if there's any possibility to configure it through HAL code.Right now I get a period of 1ms...

OBorr.1 by Associate II
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