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ST72F561 re programming

Posted on October 11, 2010 at 13:32To debug / Flash the ST72F561-controller - I understand that either we should have the STICK from ST or similar one from Raisonance.  We need to purchase a compiler and then STVP7 will help me for programming.  Is ...

vnadgir by Associate
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ST10F269 Flash reprogramming, block0 erase problem.

Posted on October 06, 2010 at 10:27Hi all,I'm working on ST10f269 connected to Wiznet 7010A ethernet module. My task is to create a procedure of system self-reprogramming using TCP/IP protocol so that the device could be remotely upgraded without th...

fifilos by Associate
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Visual Basic always return ''0''

Posted on September 20, 2010 at 13:05Hello, I'm using VB6.0 and STVP C++. C++ is no problem. But, there is some problem of VB. Always return ''0''. Our main program is only VB. not C++. Please let me know the solution of this problem. #st-link

Bootloader/App no work

Posted on August 24, 2010 at 22:51Hello all          Am I with problems to create bootloader in the microcontroller STR711FR2, somebody can help me??            I have 2 projects created in IAR (v5.41) that now are totally independent:        The fi...

brenga by Associate
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STR711 V18BKP in current

Posted on September 07, 2010 at 13:48Hello everyone! I`m not so clear with currect consumption on V18BKP pin. I didn`t find any information in datasheet about current consumption by backup domain, powered from V18BKP pin. #str7

nikodim by Associate
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Wrong option byte using Rflasher and ST visual programmer

Posted on August 18, 2010 at 15:27Hi allI just wanted to flag a problem with the Rflasher and ST visual programmer  regarding the chip ST72F521M9Ride7:                 STM8 for ride 7 7 patch           ...

remi23 by Associate II
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STR75x RTC in STANDBY mode

Posted on August 11, 2010 at 10:03My application on STR750F uses the internal RTC. My board applies the Power Scheme N. 3 (single external 5.0V power source). I need to preserve the date-time of the RTC when my board is powered off. From the UM0191 ...

Vagni by Associate II
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STR75x GPIO reconfiguration

Posted on August 11, 2010 at 09:47Due to a hardware revision my application firmware on STR750F has to detect (for compatibility with the older hardware) the presence of a resistor divider on a GPIO pin not connected before. If detected, the resisto...

Vagni by Associate II
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