Dear ST Team:We have E2PROM M24C64-WMN6P in our project, we checked from datasheet Page 20 & Page 25,there is a confusion need your help.ThanksOn Page 20, Table 12 shows Cbus load for I2C is 100pF max and 50ns max rise time,While on Page 25,Table 19 ...
Hi everybody, I'm new to this forum and have a problem involving an ST62T65CB6 microcontroller. I have been programming PIC chips for a long time and am familiar with the process of reading and writing to memory. My problem is that I have a board wit...
Hello everyone, I need some help with identifying a component.
Hello everyone, I need some help with identifying a component BBG(attached pic).
I write four bytes of data to M95512, and after the writing is completed, I read these four bytes. I must delay the writing for more than 3 milliseconds to read the correct bytes. Delays less than 3 milliseconds will read 0XFF. Why is this?What does...
Hello,I have recently purchased an BMW F650GS motorcycle. Now there has been a rather amateurish fix to the fuel pump.Where it is now connected parralel over the rear light.The ECU feeds the pump via an VN31 30F922 (transistor?)Im trying to diagnose ...
For Aerospace products, we are still using SnPb solder and need to know what the Gold plating thickness is for the CMOS 14 pin CFPAK devices 5962F8761401VXC Thank you
Hello, I found this chip, but I can't find the package, nor the part number of this chip, please help me, thank you!