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Forum Posts

VL53L5 Minimum distance setting for "motion indicator"

When using the function "vl53l5cx_motion_indicator_set_distance_motion(&motion_config, min_dis, delta_dis);" One requirement is that "min_dis >=400 mm" . I followed this requirement in my program but, I moved my object in the distance range of "100-...

Yunlion by Associate II
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Resolved! VD6283 GUI does not calculate the CCT

I have downloaded the VD6283 GUI application and everything works fine except the "Light Spectrum" panel. From the manual I can see that it should calculate the CCT based on the correlation matrix but the CCT window in the top right is always empty. ...

RChit.2 by Associate
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Resolved! VL53L1X ROI (FOV) adjustment question

Hi team,I want to detect an moving object using the VL53L1X sensor.However, there is a problem with the installation angle of the sensor, and we arr looking for a solution.As shown in the above figure, there is interference from a fixed object betwee...

0693W00000JMndbQAD.png 0693W00000JMneZQAT.png
JKim.42 by Associate
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Resolved! VL53L5 Status code 2, when there is no target

Hello,I have connected a "VL53L5 Satel" board to my Arduino nano BLE board, with modified example code. It works fine with: distance/motion indicator in 4 x 4, continuous mode, ranging frequency 1-10 Hz ( i tried different f). But it only works fine ...

Yunlion by Associate II
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Usage of VL53L1X for an Electronic Target System

Hi all,​I'm planning on building my own electronic target for pistol shooting - 4.5mm pellets (4.5mmx5mm approx) traveling at 500-600 fps.​I've read the documentation on the L0X and L1X but I'm struggling to figure out if these sensors can fit the bi...

PSilv.3 by Associate
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Where is VL53L1_PRESETMODE_RANGING defined?

UM2133 says that the available modes are VL53L1_PRESETMODE_RANGING, VL53L1_PRESETMODE_MULTIZONES_SCANNING, VL53L1_PRESETMODE_LITE_RANGING (Obsolete), VL53L1_PRESETMODE_AUTONOMOUS but the only definitions I can find (in API/core/inc/vl53l1_def.h in en...

VL6180 - Interrupt triggered wihoout object ranged

Hello,I am testing the interrupt modes and I have an issue when CONFIG_GPIO_INTERRUPT_LEVEL_HIGH is set to raise the interrut when far objects are detected, but the interrupt is triggered as soon as the continuos mode is started (whit no object in fr...

Jhern.1 by Associate II
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VL6180 can not range longer than 300mm

Hello,It seems the API does not allow to range up to 600mm, why? I am ranging ok up to ~350mm.I have tried to use x3 upscaling, but error is returned when doing so by:VL6180Dev_t    myDevLong;VL6180_UpscaleSetScaling(myDevLong, 3);It seems as upScali...

Jhern.1 by Associate II
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How to detect gesture with VL53L5CX ?

Hello,I'm actually working with the VL53L5CX sensor, i would like to how i can implement gesturedetection like those of the VL53L0 sensor? Do i need more than one ? Is there a specific library ?Thanks for your respons.SL

Slava.1 by Associate
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