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Forum Posts

VL53L0X_GetInterruptMaskStatus fails

We are trying to get a VL53L0X sensor to run but VL53L0X_GetInterruptMaskStatus() constantly fails and we cant perform any measurements. We compiled the API provided by ST provided from

MMeng.3 by Associate II
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VL53L1 Question

Hello.​I2C frequency used by GUI for X-NUCLEO-53L1A2?Can you provide the firmware source used by the GUI for X-NUCLEO-53L1A2?When using the Raning mode of STSW-IMG019 (API for VL53L1CB), is there a minimum requirement for MCU memory, ram, and clock s...

joh.5 by Associate II
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VL53L1 and VL53L1X Timeing budget

hello.I'm testing the VL53L1 and VL53L1X.When the ambient light is strong, status = 7 is returned.​When the ambient light is strong, how should the timing budget and inter measurement period be set to measure longer distances?​Is it better to acquire...

joh.5 by Associate II
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VL53L5CX maximum range distance?

Hi,I have some questions about the VL53L5CX maximum range. I am trying to reliably detect an oxygen cylinder passing through a portal 1200mm by 2133mm (floor level). The sensor is mounted at the top of the portal. I can detect cylinder up to approx. ...

MSwan.2 by Associate
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VL53L0X returns 0x1FFFF (8191)

Hello, I'm using a VL53L0X and it returns 0x1FFFF depending on whether a function within "VL53L0X_StaticInit" is commented or not during initialization. If "VL53L0X_set_reference_spads" is commented, the sensor sends values (with a large offset). But...
