2022-11-28 4:44 AM
I wanted to insert a ToF sensor (VL53L4CD) in an anesthetic container, because of the influence of the anesthetic on the sensor I need to protect my sensor with a protective glass, I wanted to know which types of glass are suitable with the sensor (can sensor laser pass through them).
2022-12-07 6:14 AM
Indeed there is a lack in our documentation and the Application Note about the cover glass guidelines for the VL53L4CD is not yet available. Anyway, you can have a look to this one : VL53L1CX cover glass guideline. The VL53L1X is near enough in term of features to the VL53L4CD so you can have a look to its AN.
2022-12-07 8:19 AM
And I might also add that ALL the information on coverglasses applies to the VL53L4 as well.
As the lasers have the same frequency (940nm) and the shapes of the VL53L0, L3 and L4 are idenical, whatever works for one will work for all.
(The L1 can also use the same glass, but it's 0.5mm taller and just a touch wider and longer. So one would have to accomidate the size difference.) But the app note applies to them all.