Imaging (sensors)

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Resolved! we have implemented a custom library for VL53L0X to integrate into Cypress PSoC4 but having trouble expanding from it (in a simple way) to configure sigma to 60

on pg 22 per DocID029105 Rev 1 for Long Rangewe are able to setsignal rate to 0.1mcpsdefault timing budget is 33ms so no change thereVCSEL pre range period to 18VCSEL final range to 14but cannot do the final recommended setting configuration of setti...

Charlie1 by Associate
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Resolved! Current consumption vs supply voltage VL53L0x / VL53L1

Hy,I need to design a power consumption optimized (battery based) system using the VL53L0x / VL53L1. I cannot find the current consumption vs voltage in the datasheets. I can either use battery voltage directly (3.6V) or use a high efficiency DCDC (i...

harald by Associate III
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Why does VL53L1X full API take up SO much memory?

So I am working with a VL53L1X sensor on a LPC804 from NXP. I am using the full API (STSW_img007). I made a simple test to see if I could get the I2C functions running allright, so I tried to read out the model ID. When I was successful, I wanted to ...

VL53L1X Setting up roi on the raspberry pi

Hey there,I just got the sensor working on my raspberry using the library I found online. The sensor can now measure the distance.Now for my schoolproject I need to setup 2 roi regions on the VL53L1x. I have searched the internet and cant find anythi...

VL53L1X: calibration flow

Hello,I have a question regarding the calibration flow. I have narrowed the RoI to my needs and adjusted the timing/intermeasurement budget and I am using short distance mode.My question now is whether I have to use the same settings when calibratin...

DZyla by Associate
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