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How to install your Root Certificate in StellarStudio JRE

When installing some StellarStudio  plugins http://* , you can meet the issue : PKIX path building failed  It is typical IT Issue :face_screaming_in_fear:  in each corporate company. “"Path bui...

StellarStudio SR5E1 support is open to the mass market !

Dear all,   We are thrilled to announce that as of today, March 1st, 2024, SR5E1 device support in StellarStudio is available to the mass market !   This means that any user can effortlessly download the official StellarStudio installation packag...


I use the SPC582B chip and I would like to use SARADC on several channels. Is it possible to use DMA without contiguous channels ?

On the SPC582B, there is only one SARADC and I would like to reduce the SW time needed for ADC conversion.I have about 15 ADC to convert and they are not contiguous.I use the SARADC in scan mode and I would like to retreive my ADC data in a buffer in...

CCOLL.2 by Associate II
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CANFD transmit buffer is full.

Hi. I use the spc58nh-disp board.​I'm doing the CANFD gateway test.​I uses CAN0 and CAN1.​After receiving 55(id quantity) rx message from CAN1, CAN0 Transmits 55 messages.​And after receiving one message from CAN0. Transmit to CAN1.​At this time, bus...

hans536 by Associate III
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This is a question about clock setting.

Hi.​I am using the spc5nh-disp development board.​I want to use CANFD, and I want to speed up the clock more.​Current CAN clock is 8Mhz.​How can i change the Clock speed?please... help me....

hans536 by Associate III
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Resolved! SPC5Studio license expired after 1 year trial

Hi, my license for SPC5Studio is expired after 1 year trial. Is there any way to extend this license? I do have a permanent license but it's activated on another Lab PC (connecting to a UDESTK dongle). I need to activate it on my personal PC so that ...

TBui.1 by Associate
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