Automotive MCUs

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Resolved! How to install your Root Certificate in StellarStudio JRE

When installing some StellarStudio  plugins http://* , you can meet the issue : PKIX path building failed  It is typical IT Issue :face_screaming_in_fear:  in each corporate company. “"Path bui...

StellarStudio SR5E1 support is open to the mass market !

Dear all,   We are thrilled to announce that as of today, March 1st, 2024, SR5E1 device support in StellarStudio is available to the mass market !   This means that any user can effortlessly download the official StellarStudio installation packag...


Resolved! How to use I2C for SPC58EG

Hi, I am developing SPC58EG in SPC5 Studio.I want to use I2C communication with a RTC device.However, I cannot find any example for I2C in the IDE.How do I get the reference to develop I2C?Thank you.

FuKai by Associate II
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Wake-Up with CAN FIFO Rx in SPC5

Hi ST Team, MCU is SPC584B70E1. CAN0 is used as ISR-Rx normally. I want to choose "CAN FIFO 0 Rx New message Interrupt" as Wake-up Source. In SPC5 Studio, I configurated on WKPU Configuration setting , I selected INT 0 as WakeUp Source and in the CAN...

Gknr by Associate
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SPC564B74 input frequency measurements errors

Hi,I am using the SPC564B74 to measure the frequency of a square wave signal. The problem is that I have a some artifact measurements that cause problems on my application. A few times per minute, the measured frequency randomly drops to zero or an i...

SPC56 PMU not working

Hi!When I trigger the built-in LVD self-test for the Power Management Unit by writing PMUCTRL.CTRL.B.SILHT = 1, the PMUCTRL_FAULT register immediately indicates a low voltage detector fault and the MCU goes into SAFE mode. If I trigger the HVD test b...

DaveJ by Associate II
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Resolved! SPC560 Analog read of a pin

I'm searching for a simple API call such as found on Arduino :theValue = analogRead(port);does such a thing exist?  Hoping for pal_lld_analogReadpad( PORT_x, pinNumber );I find in adc_lld.h there is an array of functions which I am unsure why they ex...

Bucko by Associate
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SPC56 aborted FCCU operation

I want to clear the FCCU flags on my SPC56 chip. From the test application generated by SPC5Studio, I have the following code:static void spc_clear_fccu_rgm(void) {/* FCCU CF errors clearing.*//* Clear FCCU CF Status Register0 errors.*/FCCU.CFK.R = 0...

DaveJ by Associate II
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Very slow initialization of eth1 on sr6g7

Hello,I have a problem regarding the slow initialization of eth1 on SR6G7 evbc6000 rev B board.The function xNetworkInterfaceInitialise() is failing multiple times, until it is succesfull.  From further investigation, I discovered that phy_check_id()...

andreih by Associate
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SPC56 Unclear instructions on using the STCU

I am developing a safety application on the SPC56EL60L3 platform. The reference manual RM0032 §43.1.3 outlines the steps for verifying the test results of the STCU (Self-test control unit). As I understand it, I first have to check the actual test st...

DaveJ by Associate II
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