#autodevkit hashtag#avas hashtag#openocd hashtag#mcu hashtag#spc5 hashtag#embedded hashtag#automotiveHere you are a quick guide to help you load the audio file in AEK-AUD-C1D9031 Avas board using the AEK-MCU-SPC5LNK programmer.AEK-AUD-C1D9031 - https...
Very long awaited, but it is finally here!!!New AutoDevKit Studio release version 2.4.0 is available for free download www.st.com/autodevkitsw New features:- Multi-chain, multi-node and completed renovated BMS driver for L9963E named AEK-POW-BMSCHAIN...
Dear Members. The current BMS board design has not taken in consideration all the recommendation for a Hot Plug capable design. To make your system hot-plug resistant make sure to follow the recommendations below: Change the battery connector with a ...
Dear all,Good morning, I am facing issues with some functions in autodevkit.The functions osalThreadDelayMilliseconds() and osalThreadDelayMilliseconds() are blocking the entire execution.As the Autodevkit driver doesn't support the CANTP(response ta...
Dear community members,I have three questions about the AEK-POW_BMS63EN require answers and input from experts:1. After running the example of AEK-POW_BMS63EN, everything is ok; however, the fault LED on is always high in AEK-COM-ISOSPI1 even though...
Where to find the code for driving L9963E board for BMS? In SPC5 studio, only some part code is present. Please help I tried finding in documentations but it didn't work.
Hello all,I'm Ali, new to ST Microcontrollers, and I'm seeking some guidance to get started with SPC5 Studio. Previously, I developed custom SDKs where I had control over registers, their addresses, and more. However, transitioning to SPC5 Studio has...
I recently installed SPC5 studio and I'm referring to example codes. The example code is building without errors but there are problems indicating, Description Resource Path Location TypeSymbol 'NULL' could not be resolved main.c /SPC582Bxx_RLA FreeR...
Hi, I'm an SPC5 beginner. I followed the YouTube tutorial and correctly installed AutoDevKit zip file. When i go SPC5Studio>Help>Install New Software>Add>Local, AutoDevKit does not appears in my unziped folder. I see there are some files in the video...
Hello, I have a trouble when I tried to change AMP I2C adreess on AVAS EVK which is based on AEK-MCU-C1MLIT1(https://www.st.com/en/solutions-reference-designs/sl-ssasf011101v1.html ) like the below. 1. In Allocation pin page, I just do "Delocation" a...
Hi all,Good Afternoon, I hope all are doing goodIn my project I am implementing diagnostics, so now I need CanTp for sending and receiving the data which is more than 8bytes. Now I am using SendCanMessage() API for transmitting the data and mcanconf_...
Hello all,A very good afternoon, I hope you all are doing goodI am implementing Diagnostics in my project and in the during the implementation of service 11 I am facing the issue for software rest, I want to know which API performs the software reset...
Dear community member,I am using L9963E IC on custom pcb board. I send a command to read register address 0x02 of device 1, but in response frame getting address feedback for register address 0x06. also while reading dev_gen_cfg, getting different re...