#autodevkit hashtag#avas hashtag#openocd hashtag#mcu hashtag#spc5 hashtag#embedded hashtag#automotiveHere you are a quick guide to help you load the audio file in AEK-AUD-C1D9031 Avas board using the AEK-MCU-SPC5LNK programmer.AEK-AUD-C1D9031 - https...
Very long awaited, but it is finally here!!!New AutoDevKit Studio release version 2.4.0 is available for free download www.st.com/autodevkitsw New features:- Multi-chain, multi-node and completed renovated BMS driver for L9963E named AEK-POW-BMSCHAIN...
Dear Members. The current BMS board design has not taken in consideration all the recommendation for a Hot Plug capable design. To make your system hot-plug resistant make sure to follow the recommendations below: Change the battery connector with a ...
The STM distributor is trying to locate the EV-SPC582B programmed with a dedicated firmware but no luck yet. Does the new AutodevKit system have any firmware for the SPC582B_DISC eval PCB?
Hi everyone,I'm working with the SPC58NN84E7 in SPC5Studio, and the same issue occurs in the AutoDevKit Ecosystem. Simple examples, like controlling an LED with this processor, work without any problems. However, as soon as I add the GTM library, the...
hi community i am using "AEK-AUD-C1D9031" board. in this board i had flashed .WAV files and i had played. the wave files are played using an example code given in the autodevkit. i used an API playsound() this one will give good sound when i had ...
Hello all,A very good morning, I hope you all have the good day.I am developing the AVAS project taking the base code(shown in the snippet) from the AutoDevKit.Here my requirement is I need to increase the sound from speed 0 to 20kmph and sound shoul...
Hi everyone,I’m trying to download a free license for the Hightech compiler from the following link:https://register.hightec-rt.com/st/spc5x/Unfortunately, the page returns the following error:This page isn’t workingThe site register.hightec-rt.com i...
Hi,I have recently started working with AutoDevKitStudio and tried some of the example codes. When I wanted to modify example code and add more pins in Pin Map editor, after saving my changes and generating them I couldn't see newly defined ports in ...
#autodevkit hashtag#avas hashtag#openocd hashtag#mcu hashtag#spc5 hashtag#embedded hashtag#automotiveHere you are a quick guide to help you load the audio file in AEK-AUD-C1D9031 Avas board using the AEK-MCU-SPC5LNK programmer.AEK-AUD-C1D9031 - https...
good morning. i just finished my code that makes a led blink. i pinned it on the GUI and wrote the code on the main. before flashing it i want to know what is the problem of my pin: it is written that the symbol can not be resolved even thougt there ...
good morningi want to create a simple led blinking code. for that, i got the path of the led 8 of my aek-mcu-c4mlit1. it is pk1gpio1 and is connected to the branch 25. i connected it on the gui and wanted to code in my main. unfortunately, C recogniz...
hello team,I'm using AutodevKit studio for testing AEK_AUD_C1D9031 board. I imported example code from sample : SPC582Bxx_RLA_AEK_AUD_C1D9031 - Avas Compact - Test Application. but upon flashing board I'm getting this error. kindly provide feedbac...