2022-07-05 8:34 AM
I found that CubeIDE v 1.10.0 does work properly on latest Ubuntu and Linux Mint.
Problem: After Cube IDE is installed, I created a project and built it. Running Debug session though is not successful. It throws an error where it says that arm-none-eabi-gdb --version command was failed.
Also for some reason during installation, in the terminal it was asking which folder to install CubeIDE into. The default value was opt/st/stm32cubeide. The 1.9.0 version of the CubeIDE would not ask the installation destination folder.
1.9.0 version works fine on both Ubuntu and LinuxMint, also I found that installation folder is also opt/st/stm32cubeide and is is not asking in terminal to change that folder. So I guess the installation destination is not a problem here...
2022-07-05 1:12 PM
2022-07-05 2:43 PM
Well.... you've checked whether libncurses is installed, and...?
2022-07-08 5:06 AM
Yes, I also installed that separately after an error showed up, it did not make a differencethough.
Since using a clean Linux installation, older cube ide works and newer does not work, I conclude that problem is in cube ide and not in Linux installation completeness...