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I encountered an issue with the "Fx_NoR_Write_Read_File" application example. Upon running the application, it consistently triggers an error that redirects control flow to the Error_Handler() function within the app_filex.c file.Note that STM32U5G9J...
Basically, my requirement is to run RTC to monitor actual date and time for various schedules to actuate the devices. Note that RTC configuration is provided via LoRaWAN downlink and timestamp after LoRaWAN join.Hence, I would need mix mode to run bo...
As per the Release Notes (v2.4.0 / 5-Nov-2021) for HS DataLog CLI example, I could see executable and libs are present under directory Utilities/cli_example for Raspberry Pi 3B. I have also exported and set the shared library path using command.expor...
When you power Nucleo-WL55JC! with external 3V3 via CN6, I could see constant 120mA current consumption. Is there any way we can reduce this?
Is there any configuration we need to modify in to overcome this error "ERROR: overlapped zone is not empty" or any other configuration?Below is output.txt file.python /Users/username/Downloads/STM32Cube_FW_WL_V1.1.0/Middlewares/ST/ST...
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