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the interface firmware failed to reset/halt the target mcu (ST Discovery Board F407)

Associate II

Hello guys,

Recently, my ST Discovery F407 board was working just fine, until I received the following error in a txt. File: ​the interface firmware failed to reset/halt the target mcu.

I have updated its frimware to​ 2.37.26, but the problem is still there. I have also tried to reset through connecting Boot0 to VDD, but it didn't work either. Still, I receive the same error each time I connect it to the PC. The Keil program is also saying "target is not connected" every time I try to download my code.

I would be so much thankful if you help me with this!


Boards typically don't just quit all of a sudden. You didn't do anything or change something when it stopped working?

Does STM32CubeProgrammer have any better luck?

Reboot the computer.

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Associate II

Thanks for youre reply,

I did nothing other than updating its frimware or downloading my code. I have tested on 3 PCs but no difference.

By Using STMCube​, you mean using it for updating the frimware or for setting the peripherals?

I have used STMCube for setting up the peripherals, but not for updating the frimware. ​

Well, I thought I would never ​be able to solve this ���� but I did.

The thing is that I don't get it how!​

I have removed the JP3 and also shorted JP1 and tried to upgrade the firmware with STM32CubeProgrammer. The problem solved!

I thought I've lost my Discovery board forever! ��

Thanks for your help guys.