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ST-LINK firmware upgrade not sticking?

Associate II

Why doesn't firmware upgrade to ST-LINK not stick?

Cube Programmer says it upgrades it successful but it doesn't do it


Accepted Solutions

YA, I shoulda thought of that, when I stuck it in a USB directly in my PC it worked fine, got the upgrade to work too. (it was on a hub before)

newbie mistake

Thanks for your help!

View solution in original post

ST Employee

Hi @SBarn.4​ ,

can you please tell me :

  • The CubeProgrammer version used
  • The start ST-Link version
  • Which version of ST-Link is supposed to be updated to?


Thanks for the reply

I gave up on that ST-link, I think it's a clone maybe.

I did however just buy an OEM ST-link but the latest version of cube programmer doesn't recognize it, I get the windows chime when I plug the USB in no prob.

is there some initialization or registration required?

ST Employee

Hi @SBarn.4​ ,

Using clone of ST-Link, we cannot ensure that the update will be done correctly.

Sorry I can't help you in this case.


I'm not asking about that.

I bought your OEM ST-Link

it isn't recognized by cube .

it's a new ST-LINK and the latest cube version.

Windows chime when I plug in the USB

Windows 10 or 11?

Via a hub, docking station, DELL?

Which ST-LINK? V2, V3, ST authentic for sure? Link to place of purchase.

Cable? Try others, make sure not to use charging cables, or low quality ones.

Any AV or other software or policies on the machine that might block external USB, USB MSC devices?

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YA, I shoulda thought of that, when I stuck it in a USB directly in my PC it worked fine, got the upgrade to work too. (it was on a hub before)

newbie mistake

Thanks for your help!

I get STlink error dev target command error ?? with the oem stlink.

I can connect to the target with the other stlink v2 no prob I just couldn't upgrade the stlink itself and cube ide didn't like that.

MCU is STM32F030

I'm using pin 19/20 for 3.3 / gnd

pin 7 / 9 for DIO / CLK

on the oem stlink v2

Connection clock can't be too high with CM0(+) based devices.

Also helps to connect NRST to allow for "Connect Under Reset" to work.

If problems with user code, pull BOOT0 HIGH so it doesn't run that.

STM32 also need VDDA/VSSA, as these drive PLL, and POR circuits.

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