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USB_DEVICE missing from CubeMX

Brian H
Associate III

CubeMX version 6.10.0

Chip is STM32H563IIKx

Firmware package is STM32Cube FW_H5 v1.1.1 (which is the latest shown in the software packages manager).

Neither USB_DEVICE nor USB_HOST is listed in middlewares:


As can be seen, my project involves FreeRTOS which eliminates THREADX and USBX as options.

All the information I can find online about creating a USB CDC (Virtual COM Port) implementation involves configuration using USB_DEVICE middleware.  What is the correct path now, since USB_DEVICE is not present?  Switching to THREADX is not a feasible option.


Pavel A.
Evangelist III


Here is the "classic USB middleware" package for STM32H5.

and USB device project example for Nucleo-H563 which you can use as reference for your project.

Unfortunately these examples are not supported directly by CubeMX/IDE configuration GUI. You can find a consultant or contractor to help with adaptation of the software.