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[Tutorial videos in STM32CubeMX] Your ideas are welcome

Jeanne Joly
Senior III

Around 40 tutorial videos are accessible from STM32CubeMX in Help menu/Tutorial videos since STM32CubeMX 6.0.0 release.

All those videos intend to answer frequent STM32CubeMX users questions.

It deals with various subjects such as FreeRTOS, DMA, GPIO, Software packs, System view tips, Getting started with X-Cube BLE, pinout view tips…

Those videos will be available to China users in the next STM32CubeMX release (6.1.0).

If you think that some specific tips, features or complex subjects are not yet addressed with these tutorial videos, we will be glad to hear your valuable proposals.

Thanks to share your ideas with maximum of details.


Ah is that why people like using that, couldnt you just port their code ?

Of cause RTC works via battery without main power supply.

I use stm32f401. But there is a lot of others stm32 with RTC.

stm32MP1 is very interesting! I am also interesting to find low-cost display with touch for stm32MP1. I need display 15" or more. Small example

Associate III

Tutorials on Zigbee. A lot of the projects provided for Zigbee are black boxes. Would love to see an explanation on setting up a Zigbee project with FreeRTOS

BLE is the best. Zigbee less interesting, less devices support it.

See examples \STM32CubeIDE_1.1.0\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.11.1\Projects


@Jeanne Joly_O​  possible to share the link of those videos

Associate III

I would propose to first focus on keeping your current tutorials up-to-date. In particular, I am working with the STM32WB55. I am trying to modify the BLE profile, but the tutorial on this topic was written for the former revisions of STM32CubeIDE and firmware packages. It would be helpful to have it updated. Thank you.

Associate III

Please, update your tutorial on BLE Custom Profile. Based on my experience and comments from other community members, this tutorial is really demanded.

Senior II

There's been a lot of community input no this subject. Can we get an update on what tutorials have been added by ST Micro or ST's plans for future tutorials?


Second this. working with Blue NRG LP and the GUI seems to export code that doesnt line up with the examples and missing functions. would be nice to have videos where they make the examples from the gui to follow the process better.