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I've written up plenty of programs prior and went on to developing a board from the 32 series and came back and since the can pins on the 56D device dont do anything.I've done a few programs already and have quick test programs to check but they all ...
Hey Team,Following the examples online , the wildcard range prevents me from inputting 0-120.I've also tried doing 0,120. that lets me input the value , generate the code but not actually show up on the screen
Hello,Doing some work using sd cards, and noticed that if i were to use the main.h file and have all my fatfs.h declared all the structs like FATFS / FIL / FRESULT spit out errors that theyre undefiend when cntrl clicking takes me to the file.unknown...
Hey all,for a can project im trying to enable the external clock, ticking the bypass oscillator box in my clock settings results in an inexpected reset.i've tried a few combinations and have spent a few hours on it and havnt managed to get it working...
Hello all.I'm playing around with the PIT interrupts and im finding that after setting up 3 seperate timers with different interrupt rates with the same priority setup in the IRQ Component rla. It's only constantly interrupting the PIT with the lowe...